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Can Airtable brading be removed yet on embedded views?


Checking on if there is an update on this, as most posts about it are many years old. 

Can the airtable branding be removed from an embedded calendar?

It seems none of the alternatives that I’m aware of can customize the visible days the way airtable can. Softr can do a week view (7 days with the weekend, or 5 days no weekend. Miniextensions can only do the whole month. Neither softr nor miniextensions can do the colorcoding. 


Is there a workaround for this yet?

2 replies


Hey ​@dara_harmon!

Unfortunately I don’t think you can get rid of Airtable branding on embedded views. 
However, if you are already working with Softr you might want to explore the custom code block to this effect? Assumig this is a big deal for you.

Please let me know if that helps, of if you have further questions!

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation


The workaround I’ve seen implemented is to simply make the given widget space (in your content management system, Wordpress or whatever) a bit shorter than the widget itself to chop off the bottom of embed. Of course that removes the Download CSV and View Larger buttons (you can replicate the view larger with a direct link elsewhere at least).
