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Introducing BuiltOnAir - Podcast and Website [now live!]


Hey all, excited to tell you about BuiltOnAir, a project that’s been in the making for a little while now, and now going live. I think it’s awesome, but would love to hear your thoughts also :thinking:

What is it?

BuiltOnAir is a hub for Airtable happenings. We made it to become a place to bring together, highlight, and empower the people building things with Airtable - so if you’re here reading this, this is for you.

BuiltOnAir is (currently) comprised of these main elements:

A podcast:

A weekly production highlighting an expert, professional, or enthusiast using Airtable in their work. We hear their story with Airtable, then we get a peek into their work with a “show and tell” of a base they’ve created (usually with a whole slew of nifty hacks and tips). Super inspirational, both from a technical Airtable usage standpoint and from hearing about the causes people are working on.

Weekly community recaps:

A hand-curated list of the most relevant and recent updates from multiple Airtable communities across the web. Doing the work so you don’t have to.

Monthly Airtable Universe metrics:

A virtual dashboard of updates to the Airtable Universe, including top 10 new followers, top 10 bases with the most copies, and top 10 new likes. It also lists new creators and bases added during the previous month.


Useful directory of relevant Airtable service providers (freelancers, consultants, and providers), communities (official and user-created) and products. The latter includes both free and fee based projects/products created to help people get the most out of their Airtable experience.

A Slack community

Private space for discussions with fellow Airtable fans, this BuiltOnAir hosted community is the place for the best tips, insider secrets, and connections in the Airtable space.


:bulb: Curate the most relevant content from communities, make it simpler to get answers or ideas quickly

:wave: Highlight service providers and connect them with people who need help with Airtable

:writing_hand: Show off nifty products or projects made by Airtable experts around the world

We don’t currently get any referral or affiliate commissions from any of the people, products or communities shown on the website. We’re sponsored by Openside (an awesome provider of premium Airtable products and services), and want to build the community as a whole by helping experts to get more exposure, and users to find answers and ideas.

A few examples of things covered on BuiltOnAir in the podcast and resources sections include: help with formulas, backups and connecting with external apps, linking to another base, forms to edit data, text and table formatting, user management, creative use of fields, and duplicating tables.

See for yourself!

So check out BuiltOnAir here. If you like what you see, do yourself (and us) a favor by subscribing and we’ll send you the insider updates weekly:

All the ways you can subscribe

All the ways you can contribute

Bonus points: if you really like it, go ahead and tell people about it :slightly_smiling_face:

3 replies

  • Inspiring
  • 102 replies
  • February 27, 2019

I may be biased (since they had me on the podcast (thanks again!)) but I have to say how much I love the Universe metrics. Very helpful to find new bases and also be able to quantify the growth of the community.

  • Known Participant
  • 13 replies
  • February 27, 2019

This is cool. Found so many new and interesting products on your website. The podcasts are also a great way to learn how everybody is using Airtable.

  • Inspiring
  • 351 replies
  • March 6, 2019

Thanks @Alex_Wolfe @PageMonk for kind words. We love working on this project and hope everyone can benefit from it. I highly encourage all to signup to the newsletter and podcasts
