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Cannont figure how to update multiple linked records through Airtable API (using Make)

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  • 2 replies


So I have a "Newsletter" table that has a linked records field that links to an "Events" table. I want to prepare my Newsletter with all the Events between today and 30 days from now. So I'm trying to link those Events to a newly created Newsletter.

Since the "Find records" automation module doesn't provide a sorting feature, I'm externalizing my automation to Make via a webhook.

There I use the "Search records" module that returns the list of Events I want, in the chronological order that I need to link back to my Newsletter.

The problem is I cannot figure how to update multiple linked records. I've tried an array of IDs and an array of ojbects with "ID" parameter without succes.

I'm getting these errors:

  • The operation failed with an error. [422] Value "["recp52K5lovXI8Q8p","recMylG9MZx6O1kCj","recSgsOeULsCZhOzj","recG5cVdLPJTXxyN1","recXhysdl7joff667"]" is not a valid record ID.
  • The operation failed with an error. [422] Value "[{"id": "recp52K5lovXI8Q8p"},{"id": "recMylG9MZx6O1kCj"},{"id": "recSgsOeULsCZhOzj"},{"id": "recG5cVdLPJTXxyN1"},{"id": "recXhysdl7joff667"}]" is not a valid record ID. 


Thanks in advance for your help! Also feel free to share a different approach to achieve the result i'm looking for 🙂


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