Last updated: 3/17/2025
Airtable is a connected apps platform that enables anyone to build custom apps on top of shared data, keeping teams aligned and doing their best work, together. The Airtable Community plays an essential role in helping to realize this mission.
The Airtable Community is a place for creators to learn, share, connect, and get inspired, regardless of their experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other defining characteristics.
This Community Code of Conduct applies to all Airtable Community spaces, including virtual and in-person discussions, forums, blogs, and events. By participating in these spaces, seeking to attend or attending an event in any capacity (e.g., as an attendee, sponsor, exhibitor, media, partner, staff, or team member), or otherwise participating in the online community (including the Airtable Community website at, you agree to abide by this Community Code of Conduct.
Be respectful
Please treat the Airtable Community with respect. It is a resource provided by Airtable for Airtable users to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.
- Be civil. No name-calling, ad hominem attacks, threats, hate speech, abuse, or content, language or images that could be construed as sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, violent or otherwise discriminatory or offensive in nature.
- Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene, sexually explicit, or unwelcome sexual advances.
- Respect each other. Don’t harass anyone, impersonate anyone, or expose anyone’s private information. Respect differences of opinion and avoid disrupting discussions.
- Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.
- Respect Airtable’s ownership of this forum. Don’t post anything promoting the use of other services as a replacement for Airtable.
- No trolls. Inflammatory, digressive, insulting, or bullying messages with the intent of upsetting others will not be tolerated. Do not advocate or encourage any of the above behavior.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Individual strengths and experiences are what bring communities to life. We expect our community to proactively practice allyship, and be open to learning how to cultivate an inclusive environment. We want everyone to feel celebrated for bringing their full self to the conversation.
Give credit where credit is due
Everyone's work is valuable and deserves to be recognized. If something you’re sharing was inspired by someone else’s work, make sure you give appropriate attribution (and ideally share your gratitude with that individual). Any plagiarized content of which we become aware will be removed immediately.
Don't break the law
Please don’t post anything that could violate any applicable local, state, national, or international laws.
Among other things, you may not post anything that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.
No solicitation of products or services
The best sales pitch is no sales pitch. Please do not discuss other products (unless you’re specifically discussing other products’ integrations with Airtable) or promote or solicit other products or services in Airtable Community spaces.
Honor Confidentiality
Please maintain the confidentiality of confidential information shared with you as part of the Airtable Community. Please also be mindful of, and adhere to, your own organizations’ policies and requirements with respect to confidential information.
Reporting a Code of Conduct Violation
If you believe someone has violated the Airtable Community Code of Conduct, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at If you are unsure about if the incident is a violation, we still encourage you to let us know and we will ensure appropriate action is taken, even if that means no action. All reports will remain confidential, but if you have concerns about retaliation please make sure to note that in your report.This Community Code of Conduct applies to all Airtable-owned spaces, but if you are being harassed by a member of the Airtable Community elsewhere, please let us know. In general, Airtable reserves the right at any time to take actions not consistent with this policy in circumstances that Airtable believes to warrant such action.
These Airtable Community Guidelines, as updated by Airtable from time to time, are subject to Airtable’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and govern your use of the Community. Airtable may suspend or terminate your access to the Community at any time, within its sole discretion. As a member of the Airtable Community, you will not (and you will not allow your users or any third party to) use the Community for any purpose that is fraudulent or otherwise tortious, or unlawful. You will not reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works of, sell, rent, lease, loan, timeshare, distribute or otherwise exploit any portion of (or any use of) the Community. In addition, you represent and warrant that you will be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, quality, and legality of any information you provide in connection with the Community, including registration information, the means by which you acquired such information, and your use of such information in connection with the Community. Your first name, last name, profile picture, location, and other information you provide in connection with the Community, including registration information, may be publicly displayed, including on any profile page or in connection with your activities.
This Community Code of Conduct may change from time to time. When we make changes, we will change the “Last updated” date at the top. All changes will be effective from the date of publication unless otherwise stated. If you have any questions about these Community Guidelines, please contact us.