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Need help in getting PDFs uploaded to Airtable to print in original 300 dpi from PageDesigner

Hi All,

I uploaded some 300 dpi food labels that print perfectly from the individual record. Clean and crisp. They measure 4.247"h x 4.027"w and I want them to print four-up on a letter-size page via PDF. We currently do this with our Access but are transitioning to Airtable.

In Photoshop these show up as 1274px h x 1208px w. I tried setting both the record size and the field size (for the graphic) to these dimensions in Page Designer.

Then, I selected Print Records in a Specific View to PDF. The labels were huge (one per letter-size page) and very pixelated.

I looked at the AT record settings for an index card, which was in the ballpark while not exactly the same size as our labels. They, surprisingly, were only 327px x 545px. So I calculated the ratio of pixels to inches and applied that to get the dimensions for our labels of 447px w x 472px h and entered those dimensions to the record and graphic size.

Print setting:
Records in a Specific View
Letter Size- Portrait

They print four-up; however, the label resolution is poor, and when I try to print to paper, it shows the document size to be 9.7"w x 12.5"h.

It seems like this should be simple to format. What am I missing?
Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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