Hello I am trying to create an interview tracker.
I have the following fields:
Interview ID - formula
Candidate - lookup
Client - lookup
Interview Date - Date, US format with 12 Hour time, Using GMT for all collaborators.
Interview Time Zone - Single Select - Options such as “Pacific”, “Central”
Calculated Time Zone - Formula
The Calculated Time Zone field takes the inputted time zone and outputs the supported timezone format for Set_TimeZone using the formula:
IF({Interview Time Zone} = “Pacific”, “‘America/Los_Angeles’”, IF({Interview Time Zone} = “Mountain”, “'America/Denver’”, IF({Interview Time Zone} = “Central”, “'America/Chicago’”, IF({Interview Time Zone} = “Eastern”, “'America/New_York’”, IF({Interview Time Zone} = “GMT”, “'GMT’”, “Error”)))))
Field displays:‘America/Denver’ or ‘America/Los_Angeles’
The Interview ID field takes all the info and creates a unique ID based on the time zone the interview is in. The formula it uses is:
CONCATENATE(Candidates, " - ", Client, " - ", {Interview Type}, " - ", DATETIME_FORMAT(SET_TIMEZONE({Interview Date},{Calculated Time Zone}), ‘ll LT’))
The time that is displaying in the Interview ID field is not working properly, no matter what I do. Based on the above, it is currently displaying the same time that is in the Interview Date field.