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Updates to Paytable! Embed on your domain and improved UX is here :)


Hey AT family!

Joel here from Paytable - the membership platform for Airtable. I’ve been making some exciting changes to the Paytable product page & widget, mostly an improved UX, a slicker horizontal layout and direct to payment links that use our new simplified pre-checkout page for improved conversion:

Selling Airtable access has never bene slicker or more secure and you can embed this widget into your custom domain and test out how it will look in the new improved live edit builder:

Embed the new members area login and access onto your domain​
As part of this recent upgrade you can now easily embed the widget, login and members area into your own domain in seconds. It literally is just a case on inputting the url into your settings in Paytable and embedding the widget with one line of code. You can also use this on 1 page sites like Carrd too with clear setup instructions of course.

Things are ALOT clearer in the brand new dashboard if you fancy giving it another spin.​ I’ll make sure to keep you posted with new tweaks & features as they drop.​Thanks for now!​ - Joel

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