I have a webhook set up where it is watching single field in one table. The issue is that the webhook gets triggered on every single character entered/deleted. The expected default behavior is that the webhook gets only triggered when the user is done with the input.
So if text 123 is entered into the input field, 3 separate notifications are sent. I would expect to receive only one notification when user enter a value and the field is deselected?
Is there an option to enable such behavior using webhooks api?
Webhook creation body:
"notificationUrl": "https://webhook.site/4a5fe5f0-7a32-4ba0-bb59-f2acb89c7766",
"specification": {
"options": {
"filters": {
"dataTypes": [
"recordChangeScope": "tbl00000000000000",
"watchDataInFieldIds": [
"changeTypes": [
"includes": {
"includeCellValuesInFieldIds": [