I would like my PDF’s URLs to come in thru the API at a certain date and at a certain time and then expire but I either get zero records as my result or only the first one comes in but not at the time it should. I’m not sure if I need to use the Now formula with this:
AND({Start Date}<=“2018-26-10T8:45:00.000Z”,{Expiration Date}>=“2018-26-10T8:50:00.000Z”)
This is what I’m using right now when I request URL:
https://api.airtable.com/v0/appwTRS4obTixysow/Ad?api_key=mykeynumber&filterByFormula=AND({Start Date}<=“2018-26-10T9:45:00.000Z”,{Expiration Date}>=“2018-26-10T9:50:00.000Z”)
This is my airtable
Also, this is what I chose for the date and time format
This is the script I’m using:
Has anyone had an issue with Date and Time scheduling that can help me? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.