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API call bumping in user authentication challenge page (403)


When trying to call the Airtable API using python in either vs code or straight from my browser using google colab, I get stuck on the user auth challenge page.

I use the request library in python to do a simple get request, see my code below. Am I missing something? I can’t write JS which is why I chose to use python instead, my goal is simply to download the table content to then upload it in another tool to have a proper BI dashboard.

I also tried using Postman and got the same 403 result.

import requests
import pandas as pd

AIRTABLE_BASE_ID  = "appxxxxx..."
AIRTABLE_TABLE_ID = "tblxxxxx..."
AIRTABLE_VIEW_ID  = "viwxxxxx..."
AIRTABLE_API_KEY  = "keyxxxxx..."

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + AIRTABLE_API_KEY}

r = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers)

Response code: 403
text (partial):

Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. Please help us with a quick security check to validate it's you sending this request.

This may be happening because:

  • Javascript is disabled or blocked by an extension (ad blockers for example)
  • Your browser does not support cookies

Please check your settings to ensure Javascript and cookies are enabled that are not from loading in your browser

<a class=“px1-and-half button-size-default link-quiet pointer flex-inline items-center justify-center border-box strong text-decoration-none print-color-exact focus-visible rounded border-thick border-transparent text-dark darken1 darken2-hover border-darken2-focus” href=“Airtable User Authentication Challenge Page | Airtable Support” target=“_blank”

Postman Preview

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