Hi. I’ve been struggling to find solution to format formula result into currency.
So idea is that I have 4 columns.
Hourly price / Time spent / Billable? / Cost
€25.00 / 1:20:11 / True / Formula which looks if entry is billable (true/false), and if it is, then calculates cost. If not, set cost as €0
Current formula - IF({Billable?}=“True”,{Hourly rate}*Duration/3600, “€0.00”)
What i would like to do is get outcome to be an actual currency, not plain text. If possible, even act as currency value, not only look like it.
When i go into Formatting tab, it says - “Your result type is not a number or a date. Formatting options are currently only available if your result type is a number or a date.”
An I get result which looks something like this - 33.40972222222222
Any suggestions?