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New Enterprise tools to manage growing workflows

As organizations innovate and become more complex, so do their workflows. That’s why we’re introducing tools to Airtable’s Enterprise offering that help you improve your workflows, maintain security, and manage your work at scale.

You will be able to continue to improve what you’ve already built—and make sure the workflows you’ve built for your team keep pace with your needs. Admins can more safely manage Airtable use across the organization, while creators can manage large-scale changes in their base without disrupting their teams’ work.

Capture more data & expand your workflows with increased record limits

Your workflows rely on your data to function—so we’ve increased record limits for Enterprise accounts to help you build even more complex systems in Airtable.

You can now add twice the records per table (an increase from 50K to 100K records) and 2.5 times more records per base in total (an increase from 100K to 250K records). Continue to power your most complex work with confidence, even as the work itself scales.

Adapt quickly with alerts & insights

When workflows get more complex, so do the number of dependencies and potential issues, which can bring critical work to a halt. That’s why we’re also adding new ways to help you keep your workflows running.

For all users, when changing a field type, updating field select options, or deleting a field altogether, you’ll be notified if any field changes could have downstream impacts on your workflow. From here, you can make adjustments to keep everything running smoothly.

In addition to dependency alerts, users on pro plans and above will get access to the new field manager, which allows you to make key updates with confidence. You’ll now have a bird’s-eye view of the fields in every table, so that you can:

  • View all fields in a table at a glance (not just the fields visible in a given view)—and filter them by attribute, like field type
  • Bulk edit field permissions
  • See which calculated fields are broken
  • View a list of all dependencies

Bulk field changes help you make base edits faster, and prevent bottlenecks for your team. Enterprise users get additional oversight with a detailed list of dependencies—like the specific tables and formulas a change would impact.

Finally, new base insights can help you understand exactly how teams are using your base, so you can:

  • Fix paused or broken automations and syncs
  • Review and manage unused views
  • Understand base and collaborator activity

With these at-a-glance insights, you can make your base more impactful for teams. Delete unnecessary views and focus on optimizing the ones your collaborators value most, or update your sync configurations to ensure you’re funneling in the most up-to-date info.

Scale & manage securely with new admin controls

As your team grows, it’s important that your work scales with you. Now, new controls make it easier for admins to manage Airtable users, and set organization-wide parameters as their workflows grow.

Bringing more employees into Airtable every week? You can now import SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) metadata right into your Admin Panel. This lets you see which part of the organization each user belongs to—so you have the clarity you need to manage user provisions.

That’s not the only new way you can mitigate risks from the Admin Panel. Now, admins can restrict teams from uploading attachment types that pose greater security threats—like .exe and .zip files. Safeguard information and stay in compliance with security policies by allowing only designated file types in Airtable attachments.

As always, please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts below.

These changes are available starting today, if you’re on an Enterprise plan and not seeing these changes reflected, please clear your cache.

15 replies

  • Brainy
  • 5995 replies
  • July 19, 2022

Thanks for announcing these changes!

Airtable has been very busy crafting new features, and they look awesome.

It would be nice if the announcements were a little more up front that several of these features are enterprise only. People often skim the text and do not realize that features are not available to them or have caveats that they didn’t realize, then they are upset that they put effort into something that they cannot use.

Does the list of view usages, and suggestion to delete unused views include 3rd party integrations that access views? For example, if there is a view that is accessed by a script or the REST API, does that count as view usage? If an Airtable form limits linked records to a view, is that considered view usage? A base could include a view that no human ever looks at, but if the view is used by a 3rd party integration, a script, or an active form, the view should not be deleted.

Do you have any information about how often the suggestions in the insights update? For example, when I first loaded the “insights” page on a base, there were no suggestions. However, I know that there are broken calculated fields with deleted dependencies in this base. Is there a way to be notified when there are new suggestions?

  • Known Participant
  • 73 replies
  • July 19, 2022

There are amazing updates @Jordan_Scott1. Thank you to the whole Airtable team.

For the increased record limits, any changes to the record limits for the Pro plans?

Question 1:

I see you specified uploading attachments. Do I understand correctly that existing attachments will be unaffected by any restrictions we apply here?

Question 2:

I find when thinking about rolling out attachment type restrictions, that I’d like to start by specifying disallowed custom types, rather than specifying allowed custom types. There are e.g. a dizzying array of Excel-compatible file types:

  • application/
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
  • text/csv

…and more I’m sure. Am I understanding correctly that I cannot disallow application/octet-stream without having a comprehensive list of what I want to permit - PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Visio, and more?

What I guess I’m looking for is a “custom disallow” option.

  • Brainy
  • 8742 replies
  • July 19, 2022

I am very disappointed that Airtable chose to make this feature Enterprise only. This is core basic functionality that is required for any database app, not something to be reserved for the top tier of pricing plans, which is out of reach financially for most users. I am not aware of any other database software that hides away core field dependencies from their customers. I can only speak for myself, but for me, this is frustrating and feels like a slap in the face to customers.

  • Author
  • Retired Employee
  • 141 replies
  • July 19, 2022
egordin wrote:

There are amazing updates @Jordan_Scott1. Thank you to the whole Airtable team.

For the increased record limits, any changes to the record limits for the Pro plans?

Not at this time, but I’ll make sure to flag this with the team because I know a lot of people would love to see this in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Inspiring
  • 63 replies
  • July 19, 2022
Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

Not at this time, but I’ll make sure to flag this with the team because I know a lot of people would love to see this in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, increased records for Pro would be great! Even if we just had the option to add higher limitits for more money (i.e. an extra 100,000 records for an additional $10 per month or so per month).
Same with automations…
Just not feasible for a lot of companies going from $20 per month on Pro to thousands of dollars per month on Enterprise, when there are only a few users in a company that need it.

  • Participating Frequently
  • 13 replies
  • July 19, 2022

I’ve noticed in the last few days the new dependency alerts and they have been wonderful. Thank you for this update! The batch management of fields (whenever that update went into place) was also a complete game changer.

ScottWorld wrote:

I am very disappointed that Airtable chose to make this feature Enterprise only. This is core basic functionality that is required for any database app, not something to be reserved for the top tier of pricing plans, which is out of reach financially for most users. I am not aware of any other database software that hides away core field dependencies from their customers. I can only speak for myself, but for me, this is frustrating and feels like a slap in the face to customers.

Agreed - there seems to be an implicit assumption that an organisation needs to be of scale to want to use Airtable to its fullest … whilst the ethos early on seemEd to be a database that would grow with you - I continually find myself limitied by lack of functionality that exists in the enterprise model - forcing me to seek alternative solutions and so spend my IT budget elsewhere.

It will harm the eco system as the innovators with small organisations but complex uses move off Airtable.

  • Brainy
  • 8742 replies
  • July 19, 2022
Russell_Findlay wrote:

Agreed - there seems to be an implicit assumption that an organisation needs to be of scale to want to use Airtable to its fullest … whilst the ethos early on seemEd to be a database that would grow with you - I continually find myself limitied by lack of functionality that exists in the enterprise model - forcing me to seek alternative solutions and so spend my IT budget elsewhere.

It will harm the eco system as the innovators with small organisations but complex uses move off Airtable.

Very well said! And I agree with your sentiment. If I were running Airtable, I would be trying to get as many millions of customers signing up for the product as possible who want to pay for Pro Workspaces. Then, over time, as those organizations grow because Airtable has enabled them to successfully grow, they will naturally want to upgrade to Enterprise. But instead, Airtable seems to be taking the opposite approach — creating a product that only pre-existing enterprise corporations can use to the fullest.

  • Inspiring
  • 601 replies
  • July 19, 2022

~~100K for Pro, thanks! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: ~~ Edit: whaaa, I miss read that. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

My feedback;
As a Pro-user (who also subscribes their customer base to Pro), I feel there’s not much point to having upgrade hints scattered all over the place for features only available to an Enterprise account.

Either trickle Pro-Users some scaled down functionality and let them use the button, or hide it from them completely.

Badge notifications really erk me and many others. Unusable Buttons and Inoperative Menus permanently taking up workspace are a pain. And neither myself or our customers need to go about our day-to-day Pro base life seeing features advertised that we can’t use - it’s confusing and annoying - regardless of how powerfully amazingly useful the underlying, yet inaccessible feature may be.

If Airtable UI team want to show Pro users Enterprise level features, then we’re going to have to see more than a placeholder button. At lest give Pro users a watered down level of the feature, or perhaps a capped limit to the entire feature suite - because this at least prepares us for the moment we do make the jump to Enterprise - where you’d really want to know the absolute ins and outs of enterprise level features (It’s like, having to go for your drivers license, but only before you’ve sat in a car that you’ve bought on the same day…).

It also doesn’t help that the Enterprise level pricing is obfuscated.

Hope the feedback helps, time for me to get back to work. Thanks again team. :coffee:

  • Author
  • Retired Employee
  • 141 replies
  • July 19, 2022
ScottWorld wrote:

I am very disappointed that Airtable chose to make this feature Enterprise only. This is core basic functionality that is required for any database app, not something to be reserved for the top tier of pricing plans, which is out of reach financially for most users. I am not aware of any other database software that hides away core field dependencies from their customers. I can only speak for myself, but for me, this is frustrating and feels like a slap in the face to customers.

Thanks for this, Scott. You will still be able to be alerted to the amount and what type of dependency a field has (sync, automation, etc.) without Enterprise, but totally hear your feedback and will make sure it’s passed along to the team so that they have your thoughts as we start exploring what this looks like for other plan types - we definitely want to make sure we can deliver value to all types of users

  • Brainy
  • 8742 replies
  • July 19, 2022
Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

Thanks for this, Scott. You will still be able to be alerted to the amount and what type of dependency a field has (sync, automation, etc.) without Enterprise, but totally hear your feedback and will make sure it’s passed along to the team so that they have your thoughts as we start exploring what this looks like for other plan types - we definitely want to make sure we can deliver value to all types of users

Thank you, @Jordan_Scott1! :blush: :pray:

  • Author
  • Retired Employee
  • 141 replies
  • July 19, 2022
David_Smedberg wrote:

Question 1:

I see you specified uploading attachments. Do I understand correctly that existing attachments will be unaffected by any restrictions we apply here?

Question 2:

I find when thinking about rolling out attachment type restrictions, that I’d like to start by specifying disallowed custom types, rather than specifying allowed custom types. There are e.g. a dizzying array of Excel-compatible file types:

  • application/
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
  • text/csv

…and more I’m sure. Am I understanding correctly that I cannot disallow application/octet-stream without having a comprehensive list of what I want to permit - PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Visio, and more?

What I guess I’m looking for is a “custom disallow” option.

  1. Correct, existing attachments are unaffected by enabling these restrictions
  2. We only allow wildcards for the broad categories shown in the admin panel (audio, image, video). So you can’t add application/* regex to the custom allowlist

Hope this is helpful!

  • Author
  • Retired Employee
  • 141 replies
  • July 20, 2022
kuovonne wrote:

Thanks for announcing these changes!

Airtable has been very busy crafting new features, and they look awesome.

It would be nice if the announcements were a little more up front that several of these features are enterprise only. People often skim the text and do not realize that features are not available to them or have caveats that they didn’t realize, then they are upset that they put effort into something that they cannot use.

Does the list of view usages, and suggestion to delete unused views include 3rd party integrations that access views? For example, if there is a view that is accessed by a script or the REST API, does that count as view usage? If an Airtable form limits linked records to a view, is that considered view usage? A base could include a view that no human ever looks at, but if the view is used by a 3rd party integration, a script, or an active form, the view should not be deleted.

Do you have any information about how often the suggestions in the insights update? For example, when I first loaded the “insights” page on a base, there were no suggestions. However, I know that there are broken calculated fields with deleted dependencies in this base. Is there a way to be notified when there are new suggestions?

Thanks for your patience while I tracked down an answer to your questions.

Thank you for the feedback about calling out that these are Enterprise features, we added to the title, introduction, and conclusion, but totally hear you that this could be called out feature by feature as well.

In regards to your questions.

  1. Currently, an API access isn’t counted as a view visit
  2. The insights panel is fairly real-time, but we don’t have suggestions on all broken things (just certain broken automation + disabled syncs). Separately, it will throw an error if you’re about to delete/change a field that will break something downstream, but that’s separate from the panel. You can look at the field management panel to see field dependencies for insights on that

Hope that’s helpful!

  • Brainy
  • 5995 replies
  • July 20, 2022
Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

Thanks for your patience while I tracked down an answer to your questions.

Thank you for the feedback about calling out that these are Enterprise features, we added to the title, introduction, and conclusion, but totally hear you that this could be called out feature by feature as well.

In regards to your questions.

  1. Currently, an API access isn’t counted as a view visit
  2. The insights panel is fairly real-time, but we don’t have suggestions on all broken things (just certain broken automation + disabled syncs). Separately, it will throw an error if you’re about to delete/change a field that will break something downstream, but that’s separate from the panel. You can look at the field management panel to see field dependencies for insights on that

Hope that’s helpful!

No problem. Thank you for tracking down the answers. I was pretty sure that they didn’t have quick answers.

Does “API access” include the scripting, or just the REST API?
