I'm using this running total script which works great but I want to add another running total column based on another field to this. Any solutions on how to add another running total in the same script?
The table and view are the same
The fields would be different (Field Pillar & Domain is the same but instead of Q2 Demand it would be Q3 Demand)
The sort would be the same
Running total field would be Q3 Running Demand
let table = base.getTable('Resource Capacity Planning');
let view = table.getView('Capacity Planning Include Only');
let result = await view.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: ['Pillar & Domain','Q2 Demand'],
sorts: [ {field: 'Pillar & Domain'}, {field: "Stack Rank"}]});
let runningTotal = 0;
let currentGrouping='';
for (let record of result.records) {
if (currentGrouping !=record.getCellValueAsString('Pillar & Domain')) {
currentGrouping=record.getCellValueAsString('Pillar & Domain');
runningTotal = 0 }
runningTotal += record.getCellValue('Q2 Demand');
await table.updateRecordAsync(record, {
'Q2 Running Demand': runningTotal,
Thank you!