Expanded record editing panel (or whatever it is called, the window that opens when clicking the expansion arrows <->, or when simply TAPPING on the line record on iOS) … the editing panel is inconsistent on the iOS and Android mobile app and on the Web / Desktop.
In the grid view I have marked many fields to be hidden (mostly function fields I don’t want to see) and left showing in the view (and in the editing window) only that subset of fields I only want to see.
Makes sense? Standard feature. However the same thing doesn’t work on the mobile device.
Both iOS and Android grid view is showing as it should, however the EXPANDED EDITING PANEL on both on iOS and Android shows ALL fields I have in the table.
That means if I have 55 columns (fields) in the table and I have 50 fields hidden, the expanded view on the mobile app should show 5 fields and not all 55 fields. It’s madness to scroll through all that stuff. Some of the hidden multiline fields contain long text. They are all shown in the mobile app so to edit a field that is on the bottom (or at the end) takes endless scrolling.
I guess it’s an oversight and I hope this gets fixed quickly. It doesn’t look it’s hard to fix.
(Yes I can create a custom view just for the mobile device and push the fields forward to the front. This solution doesn’t work for me because the grid view is constantly changing and as I am adding and removing fields. New fields end up being added at the end in custom views, so in the custom view for mobile device I would have to drag the fields to the front every time I add a field in the table. So this solution would not work.)