This will be the perfect addon after the " Field & table editing permissions" and help avoiding so much errors!
As simple as a checkbox, when it’s TRUE nobody can modify the record (except for formula, Rollup, Lookup fields)
It could be the same look as checkbox but simply using the image of a lock.
As options for the field ;
- ACTIVATE/DESACTIVATE Scripts can modify record while he’s locked (Could also select wich script)
- ACTIVATE/DESACTIVATE Blocks can modify record while he’s locked (Could also select wich block)
- ACTIVATE/DESACTIVATE Kanban view can modify record while he’s locked (Could also select wich view)
- ACTIVATE/DESACTIVATE Calendar view can modify record while he’s locked (Could also select wich Calendar view)
- ACTIVATE/DESACTIVATE Disable button fields while lock
- CHOOSE 1 OR MANY Fields you want to lock when activated (by default it would be all field, the same was as “Modified by” & “Last Time Modified” field)
How I would use it :
In my expense tracking base I would add a “Lock Record field”. Then I would set this field permission as ONLY my accountant would be able to edit it. Then when he validate the amount of the expense in the bank, all other user will not be able to modify the amount anymore.
Same thing for a purchasing request base, if the manager agree to buy the item the employee requested, when he will lock the record the employee will no longer be able to change qty and item description.