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Triggering back gesture in Chrome (on MacOS) when scrolling to the left

Every time I try to scroll left using two fingers on one of my tables, it is triggering the touchpad’s back gesture in Chrome.

43 replies

  • Participating Frequently
  • 11 replies
  • February 5, 2017

It’s very annoying, but you can turn that off in trackpad settings. I set mine to three-finger swipe instead of two-finger.


  • Inspiring
  • 192 replies
  • February 5, 2017

In which views are you running into this issue (grid, gallery, kanban)?

Yeah I figured I could turn it off in trackpad settings, but was thinking it was maybe a bug? It doesn’t happen in Google Sheets. And it happens in the grid view and also kanban, but not all of the time.

  • New Participant
  • 4 replies
  • May 8, 2017
Kasra wrote:

In which views are you running into this issue (grid, gallery, kanban)?

I experience this in grid view. Very annoying.

To turn off the two-finger swipe scrolling through pages, go to System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures > Swipe Between Pages, then select “Swipe with three fingers” from the dropdown.

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • October 3, 2017

Will this be fixed? It doesn’t happen for any other project organization website - it’s most definitely a bug here.

  • Inspiring
  • 192 replies
  • October 3, 2017
Jeff_Lee wrote:

Will this be fixed? It doesn’t happen for any other project organization website - it’s most definitely a bug here.

In which view types are you running into this issue (grid, kanban, etc)?

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • October 5, 2017

@Kasra I am seeing it in the grid view. It manifests on and off. I am on Google Chrome.

  • Inspiring
  • 192 replies
  • October 5, 2017
Jeff_Lee1 wrote:

@Kasra I am seeing it in the grid view. It manifests on and off. I am on Google Chrome.

Thanks, and just to verify: does it happen when scrolling directly over grid view? It’s expected that the back gesture will trigger if you scroll above the view, for example in the view bar or table tabs area:

Kasra wrote:

Thanks, and just to verify: does it happen when scrolling directly over grid view? It’s expected that the back gesture will trigger if you scroll above the view, for example in the view bar or table tabs area:

@Kasra For me it (triggering back gesture) does happen when scrolled directly over the grid view. Latest MacOS and Chrome Stable Channel.

Kasra wrote:

Thanks, and just to verify: does it happen when scrolling directly over grid view? It’s expected that the back gesture will trigger if you scroll above the view, for example in the view bar or table tabs area:

Hi Kasra !
When I use google excel, as the others, I can use my two fingers on the trackpad to the right and the grid goes to the right. And do the same thing to the left and the grid goes to the left. But when I do that on airtable, in grid view, it works when I move my fingers to the right, but not when I move them to the left. When I move them to the left it trigger back gesture
(I’m using MacOS and Chrome) .

Many thanks,

Kasra wrote:

Thanks, and just to verify: does it happen when scrolling directly over grid view? It’s expected that the back gesture will trigger if you scroll above the view, for example in the view bar or table tabs area:

I experience the same thing - seemingly only in Chrome. I cannot reproduce the problem in Safari, and obviously it doesn’t happen in the Native app.

MacBook Air 2011
Latest version of MacOS X
Latest version of Chrome

(sorry for the choppy gif - my computer goes to crap when recording a gif):

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • August 5, 2018

Same issue here. only in Chrome. very annoying

I’m having the same problem, and finding it very frustrating.

Mouse directly over the grid. It often scrolls a little bit before triggering the back gesture. One way I’ve tested this is by initially scrolling vertically, then scrolling to the left (drag fingers to the right) and while I get a bit more horizontal scrolling by starting vertically, it still changes to the back gesture partway through.

Here’s a video showing the problem:

  • Inspiring
  • 38 replies
  • October 30, 2018

Same—would be very nice to have this fixed, also happens for me in Chrome/OSX, and does not happen for google docs or any other wide-scrolling sites. This happens for me when scrolling to the right as well, which Chrome doesn’t allow unless you have a page in your forward history, which is a common situation for me because of accidentally pressing back on account of this issue. I’d rather not have to modify the scroll settings for my entire OS just to solve an issue with one website (but I will).

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • December 10, 2018

I have this problem and it’s very annoying. It seems like a heavy handed work around to change my computer settings for one website. Any update on fixing this?

Also experiencing this issue with latest MacOS, Chrome, Magic Mouse.
I expect to use single finger swipe on web pages to L-R scroll. When L or R scroll is not an option, same action (single finger swipe) navigates back or forward, respectively.
In Airtable Grid view, swiping to scroll left in table always navigates back.

Use the area towards the right end of the trackpad, and it scrolls up and down without going “back” in the browser. Works for me every time perfectly.

How has this issue not been fixed yet? I’ve found it super frustrating and searched on Google to see if I could find a solution…only to learn that many people have been experiencing this bug and for at least the past 3 years. Please fix this! I do not want to change my overall computer settings just for one website!

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • March 22, 2020

I wanted to give Airtable a shot and recommend it to my team, but this bug makes the product essentially unusable on a trackpad. I shouldn’t have to change my trackpad settings to make this work. This already works fine in other horizontal-scrolling websites like Google Sheets and TradingView.

Airtable please fix the code that is supposed to suppress the Back action when scrolling to the left using a trackpad. It stops working after expanding a record and closing it.

Please, please, please, please, please. Fix this! I want to use you product so bad but this bug makes it unusable.

  • Brainy
  • 8747 replies
  • April 25, 2020

Hmmm… very weird… not sure why this is happening for you guys, because it’s not happening for us in Chrome for macOS Catalina — and we’ve got the 2-finger trackpad settings setup identically to how you guys have it set. This problem has never happened to us in the last 2 years of using Airtable.

For us, it only goes back a page if our mouse is hovering ABOVE THE RECORDS (in the Airtable header area), which makes sense & is exactly how we would expect it to behave.

However, if our mouse is hovering WITHIN THE TABLE OF RECORDS, then it doesn’t go back a page. It understands that we’re trying to simply scroll to see our records to the left.

Maybe you guys have some sort of Accessibility options turned on or some sort of a Chrome Plug-In installed that might be interfering? Not really sure why your Chrome would be acting differently than our Chrome.

This is happening to us right now and is something new: we have been working with Airtable without issues in the past months. Airtable becomes unusable right now.

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • December 2, 2020

I’m experiencing this same issue… Can’t scroll through Grid View because it keeps switching to other sheets. Is there a solution for this?

*I already have my mouse turned off for 2 finger swipe and I don’t have a track pad on this computer.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • May 17, 2021

Yep, same here. No fun.
