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Request custom chart extension to reduce charts on AirTable dashboard

  • March 30, 2024
  • 1 reply

Suppose I have the graphs stated below.
Chart #1: qty. returns versus weeks

Chart #2: qty. returns versus items during week 12
Chart #3: qty. returns versus items during week 11
Chart #4: qty. returns versus items during week 10
Chart #5: qty. returns versus items during week 9

I want a dashboard where, while I'm on chart #1, and I click a bar over week 12, then chart #2 appears next to it showing the returns per items during week 12;
if I click a bar over week 11, then chart #3 appears next to it. That way I only have two charts at one time, instead of thirteen on a dashboard.

If possible, I would like to keep going with a third chart. When chart #2 appears, if I click an item, e.g. blue towel, then a third chart shows qty. of blue-towel returns versus weeks; if I click another item on chart #2, e.g. water bottle, then the third chart shows qty. of water-bottle returns versus weeks.


1 reply

  • Brainy
  • 8739 replies
  • April 3, 2024

Some of this functionality is already built into the 7 new interface pages in Airtable. (None of this has been built into the 3 older interface pages yet.)

You can click on a portion of a chart, and it will take you into the list of records which comprise that portion of the chart in an overlay panel.

You can also add another chart at that 2nd level, but it won’t let you drill down to a 3rd level from there.

p.s. If you’d like to hire an expert Airtable consultant to help with anything Airtable-related, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consultant — ScottWorld
