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Action script behaves differently than Extension script


I have written a very simple duplicate validation script that is triggered from a record create event, but it doesn’t work from the automation and it works fine in the extension.

This is the action script code:

// Input variables setup

let inputConfig = input.config();

let clientID = inputConfig.clientID;

let clientName = inputConfig.clientName;

let clientRename = clientName;

// Query Resultset

let table = base.getTable('Clientes');

let view = table.getView('Clientes Duplicados');

let queryResult = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: []});

// Duplicate Validation

let regex = /\[+\d+\]/g;

let duplicatesCounter = 0;

for (let record of queryResult.records) {

    if (,'').trim() == clientName.toLowerCase().trim()) {




if (duplicatesCounter > 1) {

    clientRename = clientName + " [" + duplicatesCounter + "]";

    await table.updateRecordAsync (clientID, {

        "Nombre" : clientRename



output.set('clientRename', clientRename);

This is the extension code:

//Values to match

let clientID = 'rec3CvbN38zLEEGgR';

let clientName = 'Canais';

let clientRename = clientName;

// Query Resultset

let table = base.getTable('Clientes');

let view = table.getView('Clientes Duplicados');

let queryResult = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: []});

// Duplicates validation

let regex = /\[+\d+\]/g;

let duplicatesCounter = 0;

for (let record of queryResult.records) {

    if (,'').trim() == clientName.toLowerCase().trim()) {



    console.log (`





if (duplicatesCounter > 1) {

    clientRename = clientName + " [" + duplicatesCounter + "]";

    await table.updateRecordAsync (clientID, {

        "Nombre" : clientRename



These are the results:

  • Extension Script

Before run extension script

Nombre RecordID Tipo
Alfa recFcZFOXZ3HLceqf Cliente
Beta recwRqpeWKLhlisHH Cliente
Canais rec1sz2GEKuJbdXQh Mandante
Canais rec3CvbN38zLEEGgR Final
Canais [1] recM6JRtAtTsP91bz Matriz
Canais [2] recOzEQzIp92lVUwT Cliente
Gamma recZPc4mAYD81M7Dj Matriz
Delta recUeLOADTASjL4t5 Cliente
Epsilon recHdvqDrwPITsGx0 Cliente
Zeta recetQgGdTdJlaP5i Cliente
Eta recOByLdOtacr10bk Cliente
Theta recf6eFw2JIDfBVJx Mandante

After run extension script

Nombre RecordID Tipo
Alfa recFcZFOXZ3HLceqf Cliente
Beta recwRqpeWKLhlisHH Cliente
Canais rec1sz2GEKuJbdXQh Mandante
Canais [1] recM6JRtAtTsP91bz Matriz
Canais [2] recOzEQzIp92lVUwT Cliente
Canais [4] rec3CvbN38zLEEGgR Final
Gamma recZPc4mAYD81M7Dj Matriz
Delta recUeLOADTASjL4t5 Cliente
Epsilon recHdvqDrwPITsGx0 Cliente
Zeta recetQgGdTdJlaP5i Cliente
Eta recOByLdOtacr10bk Cliente
Theta recf6eFw2JIDfBVJx Mandante

Console Log









































  • Action Script (from Create Trigger)

Before run Create Trigger

Nombre RecordID Tipo
Alfa recFcZFOXZ3HLceqf Cliente
Beta recwRqpeWKLhlisHH Cliente
Canais rec1sz2GEKuJbdXQh Mandante
Canais [1] recM6JRtAtTsP91bz Matriz
Canais [2] recOzEQzIp92lVUwT Cliente
Canais [4] rec3CvbN38zLEEGgR Final
Gamma recZPc4mAYD81M7Dj Matriz
Delta recUeLOADTASjL4t5 Cliente
Epsilon recHdvqDrwPITsGx0 Cliente
Zeta recetQgGdTdJlaP5i Cliente
Eta recOByLdOtacr10bk Cliente
Theta recf6eFw2JIDfBVJx Mandante

After run Create Trigger

Nombre RecordID Tipo
Alfa recFcZFOXZ3HLceqf Cliente
Beta recwRqpeWKLhlisHH Cliente
Canais rec1sz2GEKuJbdXQh Mandante
Canais recJUkM5aolLFadhH Mandante
Canais [1] recM6JRtAtTsP91bz Matriz
Canais [2] recOzEQzIp92lVUwT Cliente
Canais [4] rec3CvbN38zLEEGgR Final
Gamma recZPc4mAYD81M7Dj Matriz
Delta recUeLOADTASjL4t5 Cliente
Epsilon recHdvqDrwPITsGx0 Cliente
Zeta recetQgGdTdJlaP5i Cliente
Eta recOByLdOtacr10bk Cliente
Theta recf6eFw2JIDfBVJx Mandante

Could someone tell me where the error is? Even though I’ve reviewed it, I can’t find any differences in the code…

Thanks in advance

5 replies



What’s the output of output.set(‘clientRename’, clientRename); ?

I think you should also check duplicatesCounter

upd: yes, counter was 0 and the reason : ='Unnamed record' inside loop.

with record.getCellValueAsString(‘your_primary_field’) it works OK.

interesting case.


btw, it works ok with, when for loop not used

let {clientID,clientName} = input.config();

let table = base.getTable('Clientes');

let view = table.getView('Clientes Duplicados');

let query = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: []});

let val=x=>x.toLowerCase().replace(/\[+\d+\]/g,'').trim()

let dupes=query.records.filter(r=>val(

let update={'Nombre':clientName+'['+dupes.length+']'}

if (dupes.length>1) await table.updateRecordAsync(clientID,update)

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • July 23, 2022

Hi Alexey,

First of all, thanks for your excellent contribution and quick response, unfortunately it still doesn’t work when fired from the trigger (action script), but it works fine when run from the extension script (same as my code).

The record is executed from an Airtable interface and, in theory, the record should be created only when the Submit button is pressed, or so I have interpreted from the documentation.

Once the submit button is pressed, the automation should be triggered, which has this structure:


  • When a record is created in Client


  • Run a script (my code or yours) [Output.clientRename]

  • Create record

    TABLE: Journal Client (historical)

    FIELDS: Origin = Record for step 1->Airtable record id

    Name = clientRename

I suspect that the ACTUAL write operation to the table occurs when the automation completes and therefore it is the update in the script that fails, but I am new to Airtable and I am probably wrong and there is another reason why that the script does not work, in any case, I really appreciate the interest and the time you have dedicated to trying to help me, thank you very much.

Best regards,

PS: I really liked the elegance of your code and the economy of resources used :winking_face:

Alfonso_Garcia wrote:

Hi Alexey,

First of all, thanks for your excellent contribution and quick response, unfortunately it still doesn’t work when fired from the trigger (action script), but it works fine when run from the extension script (same as my code).

The record is executed from an Airtable interface and, in theory, the record should be created only when the Submit button is pressed, or so I have interpreted from the documentation.

Once the submit button is pressed, the automation should be triggered, which has this structure:


  • When a record is created in Client


  • Run a script (my code or yours) [Output.clientRename]

  • Create record

    TABLE: Journal Client (historical)

    FIELDS: Origin = Record for step 1->Airtable record id

    Name = clientRename

I suspect that the ACTUAL write operation to the table occurs when the automation completes and therefore it is the update in the script that fails, but I am new to Airtable and I am probably wrong and there is another reason why that the script does not work, in any case, I really appreciate the interest and the time you have dedicated to trying to help me, thank you very much.

Best regards,

PS: I really liked the elegance of your code and the economy of resources used :winking_face:

Yes, such automation behavior happens for some users, you can search here to read more. I never encountered such issue, but remember that solution included some additional field(s) with ‘Date created’ and view with some delay (5 minutes?) and trigger changed to “When record enters view”.

You can dig into run history to be sure. Like this

Maybe you can install script step before your actual script, with some delay and avoid extra fields. No timeout/sleep/delay command, but you can, for example

try {const responce = await fetch('')

  console.log(responce.status===200? 'ok':'not ok')}

  catch {console.log('not ok')}

But then, in your actual step, you cannot rely on input.config().clientName, because it’s value defined at the automation start. Instead, you should query it using ID (which does not change after creation)

query.records.getrecord(id).name //or query.records.getrecord(id).getcellvalue('field')

  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • July 24, 2022

Hi Alexey,

I’ve finally gotten it to work, although I’m not quite sure how since I’ve changed so many things that now I have no idea which one has produced the miracle.

I changed the approach in relation to the trigger that fired the event and it didn’t work either, I changed the code and introduced the following modifications (that I remember):

  1. Nominate the field to work with the data collection:

    let query = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ['Name']});

  2. Take the “cleanup” out of the filter’s clientName variable to optimize performance:

    let clientClean = val(clientName)

  3. I used CellValue to get the cell value:


I’m sure I’ve made a lot more changes and gone back to the origin several times so I may have changed something else, the end result is that it now works although I had to do some tweaking to get the duplicate numbering to work as expected. (the same way Windows File Explorer works with duplicate files)

Again, thank you for the enormous and selfless help you have given me.

Best regards,
