Hi All,
I’m trying to run this automation script that works on a base with 500 records but now throws this error after I migrated some records and now have a total of ~3500 records.
Can someone help me to fix this error.
Thank you in advance!
//on which you want to run the vlookup
let mainTable = base.getTable("Technology Returns");
let mainTableRecords = await mainTable.selectRecordsAsync();
let lookupTable = base.getTable("Warehouse Returns");
let lookupRangeRecords = await lookupTable.selectRecordsAsync();
//Replace "Item.barcode" with column name which has the values you want to look up
for (let record of mainTableRecords.records) {
let lookupValue = record.getCellValue("WebSPOC");
//Replace "Barcode" with column name which is the range to search in
//Replace "Name" with columnn name which value should be returned
for (let rangeRecord of lookupRangeRecords.records) {
if (rangeRecord.getCellValue("WebSPOC") === lookupValue) {
let returnValue = rangeRecord.getCellValue("Receiving hardware serial number");
//Replace "Proper Name" with column name from mainTable which should contain the link
mainTable.updateRecordAsync(record, {
"Receiving hardware serial number": returnValue,