Hi all - a weird thing is happening with this automation. On the table, I have a view sorted on a particular manager, employee type and status, resulting in 72 records - which is correct. When I set up an automation, I need an email sent to a particular email address that includes that table view (in either a list or grid) in the body of the email, which I’ve built and it works - apart from the resulting email that is created only contains the first 10 records, not all 72. And I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why it’s doing that. I understand the preview is limited to just 10, but I am getting this result if I run the automation from start to finish.
In the Find Records, I’ve tested both Condition and View and redid the automation and I get the same result. It’s not wrong, as the 10 records it’s showing are indeed in that table, but it’s only the first 10, I need all 72.
Any suggestions? I’m getting desperate lol.