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New: Share public interface pages publicly


Hello! I’m Ayesha, a Product Manager here at Airtable. We’re so excited to share an improvement to interfaces that will let you share some page types publicly in a read-only format. You can share a link to these pages or embed them in other websites.

What are publicly shared interface pages? 

Most interface pages can now be publicly shared and can be accessed by a non-Airtable user without being logged in. These pages are read-only and your audience will be able to filter, sort, search, and expand details on your page.


How do you create a publicly shared page?

After you have published one of the supported page types, the share dialog will feature a new “Share Publicly” tab. Turning on the switch will enable public sharing using a unique link that is generated when the toggle is turned on.

What does a public page look like?

You can check out a real example at!
We’ve embedded a public interface page that shows our recent launches.

Other common questions:

What page types are not supported for public sharing?

    • Any pages made from the Blank layout option
    • Record summary
    • Record Review
    • Dashboards created before February 2024
    • Form layouts within Interfaces
    • Legacy record detail layouts

What controls can I set for who can access an interface?

    • Similar to Shared Views, you can set a password or restrict access to your link to a specific domain.
    • Enterprise Scale admins have the ability to turn off public sharing for their org, in addition to enforcing additional domain or password restrictions.

How can my audience comment or edit data on my interface page?

    • Public pages do not support editing. They will need to be given access and open the full version of the app in Airtable to edit.

Other questions? Check out our support article.

We’re looking forward to hearing what you think, please let us know if you have any questions.

We’ve been testing this out in a beta state over the last month and really appreciate all the feedback! If you’re an enterprise customer, please reach out to your account manager with any questions.

18 replies

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • July 17, 2024

Will the pages currently not supported get support in the near future? Also is the decision to allow for read only concrete, or might we have the ability to allow for comments in the future?

  • Author
  • Employee
  • 18 replies
  • July 17, 2024

@Chase11: We're exploring adding support for the record review layout soon. For other page types, like Blank or any of our legacy layouts, we aren't planning to support those. Is there a specific layout that you're trying to share?

We are planning to keep these public links to read-only, but are actively thinking about ways we can help a broader set of external collaborators get access to an app to comment / edit. If you have a particular use case that you want to flag, that would be really helpful for us to take into account as we explore this.

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • July 18, 2024

@Ayesha_Bose: Support for record review & record summary layouts would be wonderful. We do use Blank layouts some, but we could do without them if needed. We have shifted away from Legacy layouts so we would not need them.

I would understand that in order to edit users would need to be on our enterprise license, but I would love to see a way for non-enterprise users to access our interfaces to comment specifically. I would hope this would be acceptable as the comments do not interact with the record data, but I do understand if there are other plans in the works.

Thank you for the quick response!

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • July 18, 2024

The most important thing is to make the dashboards available to others. it won't work 😞

  • New Participant
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  • July 18, 2024

is this feature not available for free users? I'd love to implement this, but i'm seeing that its only available for Team users-- is this true?

  • Known Participant
  • 39 replies
  • July 19, 2024

It would be nice if the shared view can be filtered based on an email. 
What I want to do for instance, is to share summary of all the operations that each client has, now I can share it but I need to create a view for each one, which is quite slow. Would be nice if I can share and the information is filtered automatically by an email (or any lookup field). 

The next logical step would be to let them edit some info, but I understand this runs against airtable's bussines model. But at least the possibility to share it with some dynamic filters will be interesting.

Is this in any roadmap of AIrtable?

Thank you!!

  • Known Participant
  • 22 replies
  • August 1, 2024

@Ayesha_Bose thanks for great news. Is it really working? Testing by creating new interface just with a bar chart, but somehow it doesn't show option to share publicly? Is it really working?

  • Known Participant
  • 13 replies
  • August 13, 2024

It appears to work ok but it won't let you click in to a record view unless you open the full app. This is a bit of a pain as I wanted to keep a clean and simple display rather than have the app margin on the left.

@Ayesha_Bose We are on a premium plan but I do not have public sharing capabilities anywhere in my Interface share popup. Is there a setting I need to turn on? 

@Ayesha_Bose disregard. I now see that you can't share from "edit" section. It has to be shared after you've exited edit. 

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • September 12, 2024

Might future enhancements include the ability for enterprise admins/designated users to share specific interfaces publicly instead of allowing 'all or none'? Would love to see this permission be assignable, similar to how scripting access is controlled. 

  • Participating Frequently
  • 7 replies
  • September 22, 2024

We have a (manual) production environment where we need to show open tasks on some bigger screens. These are basically TVs so being able to show open tasks on a public page is awesome. However what's not so great is that we need to pull from multiple tables to show open tasks.. It's super easy to do this with the blank pages but obviously they're not supported by this feature thus making it kind of impossible to use Airtable for managing the team... Any chances on being able to show any page via public link? 

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Will the new Overview Layout get support for Public Sharing?

  • Known Participant
  • 15 replies
  • October 4, 2024

I am very excited about this new option!

  • Brainy
  • 8719 replies
  • October 11, 2024

Hi @Ayesha_Bose ,

We have discovered a problem with the public sharing of interfaces.

We created a list interface and then shared it publicly.

We also enabled the advanced option to "Allow users to export data as CSV".

However, when the user tries to export data as CSV from the publicly-shared interface, Airtable gives them an error message that they can't export data as CSV.

Thank you!
- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • December 12, 2024

I paid a Team plan just to share publicly this new Interfaces thing, So I shared the 2 pages of my App, opened the full app and shared the link, people have to create an Airtable account to access the full app, even if it's read-only... what's the point to do that ?

More importantly, how can I share "publicly" a full app ?

  • Known Participant
  • 15 replies
  • December 12, 2024


If all your interfaces are shared publicly you can link between them. But you need to make sure that each interface button uses the public interface link. So technically you need to use "Go to External Url" and put there the public url of another shared interface.


This way you can connect multiple public interfaces together.



@MrR4P70RHmm, so you clicked on 'Share publicly' and created a link from there, and users who accessed that link needed to create an account?  If so, I'd recommend opening a support ticket as that's not supposed to happen
