Justin_Barrett wrote:
You may need to fiddle with timezone options. Your date field is probably assuming it’s your local timezone, while the formula field is assuming something else (often GMT). You can adjust the formatting of all date fields (explicit and formula-driven) to be the same, or you can use the SET_TIMEZONE function to put the formula in line, or some combination of both.
I think a colleague and I may have determined the reason behind the “discrepancies” .
We weren’t taking daylight savings into account, as where Airtable automatically calculated it properly. That would explain why some are off by an hour and others are not.
Can’t tell you how foolish I feel for not even thinking of that until now.
Current Formula that does what we want:
IF({Complete Checkbox} = 1, DATETIME_DIFF({Completed Date/Time},{Created Time},‘days’) & " Days, " & (DATETIME_DIFF({Completed Date/Time},{Created Time},‘hours’)-(DATETIME_DIFF({Completed Date/Time},{Created Time},‘days’)*24)) & " Hours, " & (DATETIME_DIFF({Completed Date/Time},{Created Time},‘minutes’)-(DATETIME_DIFF({Completed Date/Time},{Created Time},‘hours’)*60)) & " Minutes")
Which looks something like this: