Alec11 wrote:
Hi Chris,
So I’ve changed the structure a bit more from your last recommendations and I think I’m ALMOST there! I have four tabs in my base now:
Contacts: i have many fields here, but only the states (USA only because my contacts are not international) are linked to my States tab. The Contacts are linked to their Organizations, but all the info about the HQ of the Orgs doesn’t need to be displayed/linked/looked up here.
Organizations: Again, i have quite a few fields in here - field linked to the Contacts, field linked to States tab (the idea here is to show all the locations linked to each contact at each Org), and fields linked to HQ Data (this is where I’m still a bit confused).
States: just a list of states here with two linked fields to Contacts and Organizations where it shows all the contacts and orgs linked to each state.
HQ Data: the primary field is the City, and next I have State and Country as single select field types. I also have the fields linked to the Organizations tab but I’m missing something (see attachments).

^ I don’t need all these fields showing the linked Orgs in the HQ Data tab, but if i delete them then it will break the links to the Organizations tab and I won’t be able to do the lookup fields, correct? Better if i just hide the fields?

I believe I should be using some lookup fields in this situation no? I really only want the HQ information to be linked to each Org. While leaving the State tab alone so it can serve it’s purpose with the Contacts tab and showing all the locations/offices of each Org.
Am I as close as I think I am? :grinning_face_with_sweat:
P.S. I just started using Miro for another project actually, and I have a lot to learn there for sure - the flow charts you’ve been making are quite helpful!
Hi @Alec,
Yes, I think you are very close!
As for your questions, here are my responses…
When you link a table to another table by creating a “Link to another record” field, you will simultaneously create a linked field in the other table. This is how Airtable shows a linked field, with a link in both tables. The only way this doesn’t happen is by creating a linked field to the table you are in, say if you wanted a field in the Contacts table to have other contacts, maybe for supervisor or project partner or whatever. I recommend hiding these if you don’t need to see them. If you delete them, it won’t delete the field in the other table, it will convert it to a Single Line Text field because you’ve deleted the link, so Airtable doesn’t know what to look at.
As for look-ups, I find these very handy. So for this instance, you can do exactly what you are thinking. If you link HQ to Org, then Org to Contacts, and then Contacts to States, you could pull States into HQ eventually. You would have to create a look-up for States in Org (via Contacts), then create a look-up for States in HQ (via Org). I’ve included a link to a base that I created that mirrored the Miro (HA, no pun intended there) board. You can see in this base how links are working and the use of look-ups. I did link through Cities, as I did in Miro. Its obviously just an example.
And yes, Miro is great!