I have a slightly complicated project. I use airtable for our farm records. I want to use the information in a planning table to partially autogenerate an annual crop plan.
We grow 40+ varieties a year. I have created a table that is an overview of all the variables I factor when making crop planning decisions. In essence different crops have different seed sowing frequencies. E.g. in a year I might do:
-1 sowings of pumpkins
-3 sowings of field tomatoes (4 weeks apart)
-26 sowings of lettuce (2 weeks apart)
I know this information based on:
1) Expected yield per sowing
2) The harvestable period of a crop (e.g. pumpkins are a single harvest, field tomatoes we harvest from for 4-8 weeks)
3) Target harvest frequency (e.g. I might only want to harvest carrots every 4 weeks - I don't need to sow it so that I have a harvest every week on it).
4) The season I can grow it - i.e. first and last sowing dates
So I have all the information I use to make decisions against records of each crop.
I now want to use those records to partially generate unique sowing plan records - the only info I need to manually input will be choosing locations and potentially adjusting the plan based on more complex variables that can't be simplified into a spreadsheet.
So for example, we know:
1) Bush Tomatoes - we can first sow on Sept 15, we can harvest each sowing for 4 weeks and we want to be harvesting bush tomatoes every week of their season - therefore we need 3x sowings of bush tomatoes spaced 4 weeks apart.
2) Lettuce - we want to harvest lettuce weekly, and one sowing can be harvested over a 2 week period, therefore we need to sow lettuce every week of the year, every 2 weeks.
Is there a way in airtable to generate unique sowing planning records for this? So it would automatically create a records that are "Tomato - sow 15 sept" "Tomato - sow 15 october" "Tomato - sow 15 november"?
All the info is there, I just don't know how to leverage the power of airtable to do it!
(If anyone is a gardener, you'll know that dates to maturity shift through the year, I'm just trying to keep the examples relatively easy to understand