I've got an inventory board ("Print Products") that has hundreds of products (each with variable quantities). I add new amounts of each product regularly (in "Order Received" and "Products Received" for individual line items). When I sell items they go in "Order Sold" (with "Products Sold" for individual line items).
The problem is, I move various amounts of various products between multiple locations. Sometimes they sell at a location, but sometimes they don't and I need to move unsold inventory around between locations. I created another table "Currently At" to try to keep track of how much inventory was at each location, but I'm finding it incredibly time consuming and tedious to input each quantity one line item at a time so that I can check in/check out the different quantities of each product. I was able to write an automation so that when I put something in "Products Sold" it automatically put it in "Currently At" with the correct quantity decrement. I can make forms for receiving, sold or updating the "Currently At" table, but each of these forms still only lets you put in one item at a time. When I take products to a location, I'm often taking 200 items that are requiring quantity changes of 1-5 each for several different products (decreasing the quantity from one location, adding it to another location). Has someone figured out a better system for how to move inventory between locations and update the tables? At the very least, is there a better automation for how to update the increase and decrease at the same time? Any help would be so greatly appreciated. I'm a one-woman, fine art business and while I love tech, I'm much more comfortable with paintbrushes. Thank you!