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New: Print Interfaces pages or save them as a PDF

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Can you explain how this Record Details print function works?

 Similar to another user, I also had the confusion, I also noted the layout options of "Record Review" and "Record Summary" but not "Record Details", neither of which give the option to print.  It looks like the other user figured out how to get to "Record Details" as some option within the interface, but I am not clear what that is or how to get to it.


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  • February 1, 2024

We need automation support for generating PDFs and sending PDFs. When will this functionality be made available? Our company only allows airtable automations and extensions.

Like other users have mentioned, since the Page Designer updates, there are no layouts called "Record Details" anymore. There is only Record Review, Record Summary, or Record Picker (as an element), none of which create the "..." to choose the option to print or save to PDF. 

What layout options currently support Printing/PDF saving?

(Also this article talks about the ability to save a PDF, but gives no instructions)

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  • April 5, 2024

Same issue that @jjustinschultz just mentioned. I do not see any option in any of my record views, either one record or multiple. Can someone from Airtable please explain how to do this or has it been stopped? @Ayesha_Bose 

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  • April 8, 2024

I am not seeing the "..." option or the ability to Print an interface view. Has this feature changed or been deprecated? I am using a basic List element in the inteface -- nothing fancy.

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  • April 24, 2024

For those having difficulty exposing printable data (eg '...') it is not exactly obvious, but this might help.

Having spent some time (on two occasions, now), trying to understand how it works, there seem to be two ways:

1.) Create an interface page of List or Kanban layout type, make sure the list view is selected (has blue border), and enable "Allow users to print" in "User actions" at bottom right. This enables the '...' print option in the page.

Strangely, some other types (like Gallery or Dashboard) also have this option - but the '...' does not actually show on the published view, regardless of setting.

2.) The frustratingly elusive "Record Details" that is referred to in the original instructions, and some posts, is actually not a layout as above, so it is not something that appears as an option. Instead it is a feature that can be enabled on other views/layouts, whereby a user can click into Record detail, and you than have the ability to customize a layout for how the record detail is shown. Here is the documentation on it:

Worth noting that it explains two options for exposing this 'record detail' - but Option 1 does not seem to work. But I have had luck with Option 2.

Hope this helps someone!

Forms in Interfaces - Printing a "Blank"

I use Forms extensively in my Airtable bases.

In the old form VIEWS, I was able to open the form in Chrome, and simply print it and it would create a multi page .PDF which allowed me to have a record of the form "Questions" (Fields) with all the pre-populated multi select options, and helper text visible.


I use this as an "Offline" Backup in-case my user who is completing the form has poor internet connectivity and cannot capture and submit the data via the form.

Since the new update to Interface forms, I can no longer print this .PDF version of the form.

All I'm getting is a 1 page view of what is displaying on the screen currently.

My forms are many pages long and this is an important function for me! 

Screenshot from the Print Preview Dialog - landscape view

Would you know of any workarounds that could help please.



  • New Participant
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  • June 11, 2024

No print option or "..." menu appearing on my interfaces? Any ideas for how to solve this?
(Mac Sonoma, Google Chrome, latest updates)




I Achieved a work around for printing my interface forms using an extension for Chrome

My colleague recommended an awesome extension called "Awesome Screen Recorder & Screenshot"

I Installed this, opened my form and then used the capture full page which automatically scrolls through the "webpage (form)" and records it.

I then Cropped it inside the extension so it was only the width i wanted, and PRINTED to .PDF to record it.


I hope this assists someone!

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  • June 26, 2024

I had this same issue today and found an easier way to do create a PDF of my Airtable Dashboard. You can do a screen capture direct to PDF of your entire document, not just the screen in Chome. Sharing it here in case anyone else was having the same frustration.

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  • September 20, 2024

Hello @Ayesha_Bose,

Is it foreseen that I will be able to print the Grid view?

I think that would be very useful.

Thank you

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  • November 5, 2024

Hola  @Ayesha_Bose, 

Es muy incómodo que solo se pueda imprimir cada chart por separado, uno por uno. Además, el pdf. resultante es muy antiestético (con el gráfico pegado en una esquina). ¿Hay planes para hacer esto más amigable? Me interesa usar la interfase para automatizar la generación de presentaciones power point e informes en pdf. Ambas cosas son imposibles actualmente. 


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  • December 3, 2024

Hi everyone! I wanted to share a solution I've built specifically for better PDF exports from Airtable: typeflow(dot)us

It handles all the formatting hassles mentioned here - custom layouts, proper page breaks, images, and rich text formatting.

What makes it different is that it's built specifically for Airtable users. You can create beautiful PDFs directly from your base while keeping your data in sync. It works great for contracts, proposals, reports, or any document where presentation matters.

You can try it out for free to see if it solves your formatting needs. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Feel free to check out some examples at or reach out if you have any questions.

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  • December 3, 2024

Thanks for this update! For those needing automated PDF generation from Airtable interfaces with more advanced capabilities beyond the current 100-record limit, offers a dedicated solution:

  • Unlimited record exports
  • Automated PDF generation & saving to attachment fields
  • Custom layouts with full design control
  • Direct integration with Airtable

You can check out examples This could complement Airtable's native PDF functionality when you need more advanced features.
