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Timeline View: Utilization

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Hello Airtable Community,

We're back with some little big timeline view improvements to make it easier to plan and manage capacity across projects. Here's a high-level summary of the improvements we've made:

1. Re-designed summary bar ☘️

We made the summary bar fully responsive, so values will be visible in most cases. When they're cut off you can now easily mouse over them to see the full value.

We also improved the display of holidays and time off which now show as 'PTO' or whatever custom label you prefer.

2. Drill into tasks & projects 🔎

You can now group by person first and tasks / projects second, allowing you to get a high level picture of your team’s utilization and then drill down into the specific work each person is assigned to.

3. Assign tasks to multiple people 👨‍👨‍👦

It’s pretty common that work is split between multiple people. The resource field now accepts linking to multiple records, which means you can assign as many people to work as necessary. You can further choose to split tasks evenly between assignees, or assign the total cost of the work to each person.

4. Time off 🌴

As mentioned above, you can now customize the label shown for days off — but that's not all:

  • It’s now much easier to set up time off. A single button will create the required table, and schema for you to add days off without any difficulty.

  • The updated days off table will allow you to set a start date and an end date (optionally) so that you can take multiple days off at once without having to create single records for each individual day.

  • You can now also link multiple people to a days off record, so if the whole team is taking time off for Christmas, you can track that in a single record.

Other updates and feedback 📣

We have a few other updates coming your way soon such as:

  • Collapse Timeline groups by default — if you're using Timeline view primarily as a utilization heat map, the collapsed view can be pretty useful, so we're allowing builders to toggle this by default in interfaces. 

  • Smarter summary calculations — we're making some under-the-hood improvements to how we calculate utilization across weeks, in short, the values you see will be more reflective of actual utilization.

Jump into one of your Timeline views today to try these updates yourself. As always, we highly value your input and suggestions, please continue to share your feedback here as well as your ideas on how we can improve our products on the Community Product Ideas board. We look forward to sharing more improvements with you in the coming months.

13 replies

  • Inspiring
  • 66 replies
  • August 21, 2023

Excellent! I love improvements to this view in particular. Very powerful!

I noticed it's still not mobile responsive, though, which is a bummer, but I know that's constantly being updated.

  • Participating Frequently
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  • August 22, 2023

exciting updates! is it also on the roadmap to have this work to assign tasks to users in addition to separate linked tables? my org's project management base is built around assigning users, so we can't really use the resourcing feature without duplicating information and setup work yet.

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  • August 23, 2023

Great!!! Is there any user guide / tutorial  with step by step to create it @AlexLama ? 

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  • August 23, 2023

@paul-morrill you can already assign to users, however you are then more limited in how you can define your availability. For example you cannot set specific hours available for each person, or days off. We do however have a separate ongoing work stream to eventually bring parity between the user field and using separate linked tables for people. 

@IgorCastro updates are on their way to our resource allocation support article, I'll make sure to share it with you once published.

  • New Participant
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  • September 12, 2023

@AlexLama  Are there any workarounds for when you want to assign unequal work distribution? For example, if I have a project/task that takes 48 hours but want to split those hours 75% to one resource and 25% to another. Thanks!

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  • September 12, 2023

Hi @M_B there is a workaround for this which is to create a separate table for assignment. 

You would then use assignment as the level at which you assign and track work, where each assignment would relate to a single person's assignment to a task or project.

You could then have a percentage field on the assignment which is used in conjunction with a formula to calculate the hours based on the linked Task / Project total hours. 

If the values are constant over the timespan of each task you can set the start and end dates of the allocation records as lookups of whatever task or project they're connected to. 

Hope this helps!

  • New Participant
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  • September 13, 2023

Thanks @AlexLama, was trying to avoid having to create a record for each individual assignment to a resource but I think your recommended workaround is the cleanest way. I do have a quick follow up - is there any way to conditionally filter on the Utilization summary function in the timeline view. For example, filter on all resources whose utilization is > 60%. The only way I can think to do this is to add a new field that is a formula that calculates utilization and then just use that for filtering. 

  • New Participant
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  • September 15, 2023

@AlexLama , I shared the Airtable calendar view to MS Outlook yesterday.  Now I add the new data in calendar, can it not be sync in Outlook?  If can, how?  Thanks.

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  • February 5, 2024

Hello @AlexLama !
Thanks for the great work. I would like to allow our collaborators to take half days off and this to be reflected in the Utilization... Is there a way to do that ? I'm sure this is something a lot of people would find useful. 
Many thanks. 

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  • February 6, 2024

Hey @celine12,

If you want to get more granular than full days off, the best way to do this would be to use your work table. So let's say you have a "Tasks" table where you're tracking the work that gets done, you can add a task to this table which takes 50% of someone's time for the day in which they're going to work half time. If you want to differentiate it from actual work, you can use a select field to differentiate between "Work" and "Time off" and then conditionally color them in Timeline view. 

I've included a screenshot of how this might look in a Timeline view. 

Hope this helps!

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  • May 27, 2024

you can already assign to users, however you are then more limited in how you can define your availability. For example you cannot set specific hours available for each person, or days off. We do however have a separate ongoing work stream to eventually bring parity between the user field and using separate linked tables for people.

@AlexLamaI was wondering if there had been any updates to bring together the user field and separate linked tables for people. I'm setting up our team's first base, which has multiple tables containing different types of work assignments, and we need to be able to see all assignments by person. To my knowledge that's only currently possible if you are using a separate table for people and linking records in the task tables to the people table, but then we can't use the Current User view in interfaces. Is there a solution for this yet, or any updates on this? 

If not, you mentioned resource allocation still working with users instead of linked records, could you explain how you could modify the resource utilization examples given to work with users instead? I was thinking of setting up an automation to link the records behind the scenes whenever a user is chosen, but I'm new to this so I bet there's a more elegant/effective way to make this work.

Thank you!

  • Participating Frequently
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  • May 28, 2024

I found a workaround for the "current users" issue. On your people table, add a user field along with whatever other info you want to belong to each person. Then, for example, if the people table's record is for "John Smith", also select the user "John Smith" in that record's the user field. (An easy way to make sure you have the right user selected for the record is to have the record name be a formula that outputs the content of the user field — "John Smith" user = "John Smith" record name.) Then in your assignments table, in addition to a linked record from the people table for the assignee, add a lookup that pulls in the assignee's user field. At the data level, it looks inelegant bc you'll have the assignee field that says "John Smith" and the looked-up user field that also says "John Smith", but at the interface level it'll let you use the lookup field for filtering by current user.

  • New Participant
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  • September 3, 2024

@AlexLama is there a way to edit the colors of the utilization boxes? I don't want 100% to be Red. I'm trying to make 101% start the Red and 90-100% be Orange. Everything Else Green. 
