Hi everyone! I’m basically brand new to using airtable to do anything exciting. I am working with a group to set up an inventory rental tracking base for our gear and pretty much recreated the base found here:
The pertinent tables for this are the equipment (our inventory) and equipment checkouts (who took what out)
It’s working really, really well (thanks, @Ben.Young!).
What I’d like to be able to do now, though, is create a field that shows who currently has the gear out.
I was hoping to find something similar to the request here - Comparing two arrays and remove values that appear in both - utilizing the checked in gear and checked out gear fields, but I’m pretty sure the values in those wouldn’t count as an array, and it doesn’t seem to be a thing yet anyway.
I was thinking maybe I could do something with comparing the check out value in the equipment table (uses a unix number created by the date of new records in the equipment checkout table and does a max return) to the records in the equipment checkout table and returning the name from that back into the equipment table (apologies if that was unclear), but I’ve tried putting in link fields and lookup fields and somehow nothing returns at all. Maybe I’m doing it wrong?
I’ve been searching through a ton of topics and finding similar things, but couldn’t get any of the solutions to work for me. I feel like this should be a lot easier to figure out… is there something I’m overlooking? Is this doable?
Thank you!