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Feature request: field copy and label attributes

  • September 12, 2024
  • 0 replies


New user here, though I'm getting some great experience so far, especially with help from this community!

I come from an ERP background using Peoplesoft so I have a good understanding of traditional relational databases.  One thing that is good about PS is that a field, such as "business_unit" is uniform across all the records on the definition side (though the tables could be built diffrently).

A few "nice to have" suggestions I'd put forth regarding the field definitions include:

  1. When adding a field to a record, and if that field name matches another table in your base, you should be given the option to replicate the attributes (field type, defaults, etc) from the other table. If more than one table, let me select which one I want to duplicate.
  2. On field definition, it would be useful to define a form label and on the form allow a person select an option for field name, field label, or custom. I know we can change the label on the form, but it would be handy to do it at the definition label, so if you have a field on a bunch of forms, you can change the label at the field definition rather than have to change all the forms.
  3. On #2, though I wouldn't have a need for it, you could also have language context labels so if you want your form to support different languages based on the language of the person filling out the form. I know Canada people have to do english and Canadian french on many paper forms, and possibly for electronic.

If some of these already exists and I'm just ignorant of them, please disregard.



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