Is it possible to return the Linked table children of a table from List Rest call? At the moment a list call seems to return an array of Id’s - is it possible to expand that to include the data from the linked table? The only solution I can see is to iterate through the array of ids and make a Retrieve a Record call for each id of the Linked Field…
e.g. in Ingredient below it returns the an array with Id:recEehttf17ZzJYwq… Could that expand to include the fields from the linked table Ingredient?
“id”: “recxTeOfNbAhcTPYS”,
“fields”: {
“Id”: 1,
“Ingredient”: [
“Price”: 14.5,
“Date”: “2017-04-01T11:44:00.000Z”
“createdTime”: “2017-04-01T10:40:34.932Z”