Hello Airtable community!
I inherited a pretty robust Airtable system from a predecessor and have been working to revamp it, but my formula skills are not as good as the person who came before me, and I've been struggling to get IF AND statements to work. The logic seems sound, but they keep returning empty cells.
One of the ones I'm struggling with concerns a formula that should return 1 of 2 options if a cell has a specific entry. I can get a single IF statement to return the correct result, but as soon as I try to include an AND, it fails. Here's what I have so far:
In my table, the formula field is 'Ship From' with the two options being 'Direct from Printer' or 'X Distributor'. I want the formula to return 'Direct from Printer' if another field - 'Role' - is one of 3 options: Marketing/Sales, Licensor, or Editor in Chief. All other Roles should return 'X Distributor.'
So I put in: