This feels like it should be so simple. I've got a form with roughly 30 questions on it, and I want to use Page Designer to create a PDF of each response that I can then email to respondents. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get a simple grid in Page Designer that shows the responses. The only clue I can find is that if I add a Linked Records element to Page Designer I can choose Grid Mode, but I don't have any linked records in the table, it's just collecting the form responses as they come in. I know I must be missing something obvious.
More details: we offer 4 different products and we're asking our partners how many containers/pallets of each product they will want in each month of the next fiscal year. i.e. In March 2024, partner A might want ten containers of product 1, five pallets of product 2, six pallets of product 3, and one container of product 4. I just want to show that in a simple grid in Page Designer - Month, product 1, product 2, product 3, product 4 - based on their responses to the form.
What am I missing?