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updating a linked record from a form


Hi there! So I’m working with the “Simple Booking System” template and trying to set up a workflow between two tables: “Performers” and “Scheduled Stops” .

Here’s what I’m trying to do! 

  1.  In the form, there’s an option to either select an existing performer or add a new one.

  2. When a New Performer is added I want the to first create a new record in the “Performers” table and then once the new performer is created, I want the system to automatically update the “Scheduled stops” table to link to this newly created performer.

Is this possible? If so, how can I set it up? Where I’m getting stuck is step two. I figured out how to create a new record but the linked field does not update.




2 replies

  • Participating Frequently
  • 5 replies
  • March 16, 2025

The form will need to have whatever fields you need to capture the data to create the new performer record.  Then setup a Condition trigger automation that when the selection is “Add new” on a record and “Performer” field is empty, create record in Performers table with the data from the fields that were filled in on the form as well as adding in the triggering record into the Linked record field back to the “Scheduled Stops” table.

  • Inspiring
  • 210 replies
  • March 16, 2025

Hello ​@Helpmeplease,
There are multiple options you can use at here.

  1. Setup interface form with linked records. 
  2. Check for Fillout first, Specific document for it. Create new linked Records
    These are their List of field types. If it's matched with all of your required field types then use it. Because it has inbuilt integration with Airtable How to create an Airtable form

Cross check details and come back with more ideas, I hope this helps to you.
