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I need to send a csv file to my email when a record matches a condition. I was hoping simple scripting would work, but it seems like this is not yet doable with native Airtable tools. I saw in a previous post that someone suggested to "use a script that creates the csv or Excel file using the CloudConvert service (or another similar service) and attaches the csv file to a record". I will only need to do this max 25 times a day, which it seems like CloudConvert offers for free. I would like to try to make this process free. I tried setting up an API key on Cloud Convert but my script is saying it is unauthenticated. Is anyone familiar with how to set this up?


Hello - what does the CSV file need to contain? 

Hello - what does the CSV file need to contain? 

Hey Gavin,

It needs to contain data from various data of 2 of my tables on a single base.



You can automatically export CSV files from Airtable by using Make’s CSV integrations.

I give a brief demonstration of how to do this on this Airtable podcast episode.

- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant

@rrid We have an app that lets you make download links for your Airtable bases. You could include these CSV download links in your auto-emails :

Let me know if I can help you get set up 🙂 

@rrid We have an app that lets you make download links for your Airtable bases. You could include these CSV download links in your auto-emails :

Let me know if I can help you get set up 🙂 

Hi Gavin, thanks for the reply. I would have to do the Pro version and that is quite expensive. Do you know if you offer a discount for Non-profits / educational organizations?




You can automatically export CSV files from Airtable by using Make’s CSV integrations.

I give a brief demonstration of how to do this on this Airtable podcast episode.

- ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultant

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the reply. I have already started looking into make as an option. However, it does not seem to offer the functionality I need, but maybe I am not familiar enough with the software. Here's what I need to achieve:


I have two tables, one storing the information of articles (table A), the other storing people I want to review those various articles (table 😎. I have a trigger set that when I get 40 people in table A that correspond to a single article in table B, that article's status is set to "Complete", and I want to be able to download a CSV containing all the authors information in table B that were matched to the article. 

I tried to set up a potential trigger in my Airtable this way: I added a field called "Complete" in table B that, once the article was complete, the field would be populated by the article's specific ID, which is already in a field in table B called "article ID". So in Make I have - Trigger field: "Complete". Label Field: "Preprint ID (pulled)". Formula: "{Preprint ID (pulled)} = {Complete}". When I test a run, I get 0 authors in my csv, when in should be 40. This seems like maybe my mission is beyond the task ability of Make, does that seem true?



No, that's not beyond the task ability of Make, but you wouldn't want to do all of that from a trigger module.

You would search for your records using an "Airtable - Search Records" module.

Your trigger should probably be changed to a webhook module, and you could trigger the scenario from Airtable by following these instructions:

Hi Gavin, thanks for the reply. I would have to do the Pro version and that is quite expensive. Do you know if you offer a discount for Non-profits / educational organizations?



Hey @rrid - certainly. Drop me a direct message and I can give you a coupon code.
