I have a list of 100-200 sign-up's on a shared view (that's embedded in my website, so it "should" update), and I want to have a public user "Approve" or "Deny" each sign-up by clicking a field button (see screenshot) that would update one Select Field in the respective row. This process happens only once a year.
A simple search on the AT community shows that editable shared views are incredibly popular but not possible. There have even been some creative workarounds (like this from GAP Consulting), but it's too much to ask for someone to open 100-200 forms to update one value for each row. I found this editable shared view workaround, and it got my wheels spinning...
Would it be possible to configure a Field Button to open a URL to a corresponding table (possibly a sync'ed or even two-way sync'ed table) and then use automations to return the appropriate value back?
In my case, clicking on "Approve" or "Deny" would open a URL to send an updated value to the corresponding table that would then update my current table? As I'm typing this, I realize that while the button field: Open URL would enable the button on a shared view, it would also then open a new browser tab... (harumph!)
It's no problem for this "approver" to have a paid Airtable seat, but I would like to severely restrict access for this user down to one view and also preserve the ability to edit. No access to the rest of the views, other tables, or the base is mandatory!
Is there any other way I might accomplish this?
Thanks much! Pedro