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I've read the solutions for how to update a multiple select field without overwriting via automation. However, I have a bit of a wrinkle—this doesn't seem to be possible when using a Repeating Group.

The background:

I have a list of live performances in a table called Shows. I have a list of performers in a table called Artists. The two tables are linked via a Linked Record field so that Artists (one or more) can be added to specific shows.

Some Artists perform on shows year after year. I have a multiple select field in the Artists table for "Years Active."

The desired automation:

When an Artist is attached to a show, I'd like the "Years Active" field in the Artist's record to update to include "2024" in addition to any existing years already in the field.

The issue:

Normally, I would insert the current value of "Years Active" followed by a comma and then "2024." However, the only two fields I can insert are the record ID and name field. This seems to be a limitation of working within a Repeating Group. I'm hoping someone smarter than I can figure out a different way to approach this issue, or point out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for reading!

Within your repeating group, do a "Find Records" action to get the current record that you want to process. The easiest way to do this is have a formula field with RECORD_ID(), and then search based on that field. Finally, in your "Update Record" action, pull the existing multiple select value for the record from the "Find Records" result.

Brilliant, that worked like a charm. Thank you so much, @kuovonne !

Within your repeating group, do a "Find Records" action to get the current record that you want to process. The easiest way to do this is have a formula field with RECORD_ID(), and then search based on that field. Finally, in your "Update Record" action, pull the existing multiple select value for the record from the "Find Records" result.

Super helpful, thank you so much!
