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I have this scenario:

  • I want to manage animal shelters across several counties. I have 5 counties and each county has several animal shelters.

  • I want to give edit access to county staff to their county info and to shelter staff to their shelter info

  • I’d like to have the data stored in a way that I could aggregate info across all counties: like which shelters are full in each county, or where are there open spots?

So, I have several levels of users:

  • execs: see data and see reports (shelter utilization, etc), no editing

  • county management: edit data for all shelters under them

  • shelter management: edit some of the data about the animals in their shelters

Can I do this in Airtable? How would I do it in such a way to make it user friendly for staff to only see what they need to see and not get lost in all the data?

Right now what I’m running into after doing some research is that this can be done but may not be user friendly for all the staff. I don’t want staff seeing everything and having to drill down to their view. I’d like to drop each staffer into their focused view directly if that makes sense.

Thanks for the help!

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