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Apologies if this has been asked/answered but I couldn't find that thread - I really did look!

I have some MAKE scenarios with many Airtable Modules, all linking to single Airtable BASE - itself having many Tables. But, I want to set up a clone of everything (All MAKE Scenarios duplicated and pointed/linked to newly duplicated Airtable BASE).

I am using "Column IDs" in the Advanced section of all my Airtable Modules in MAKE. Why? It seems to offer a bit more flexibility for changing field names in Airtable, so they update automatically when referenced in MAKE. However, this seems to be working against me now - see below.

Column IDs doesn't make any difference if I simply CHANGE an existing Airtable Module to connect/link-to the New Airtable base - the field mappings downstream break. Fine.

But, I never give up, and I have the Developer Tools for Chrome, and it has this weird tool called Remap Source, which does what I want! But in order for it to work, I have to CLONE an existing Airtable Module (or add new one of same function), then connect/link that new one to my new Airtable BASE, select the correct Table, save, and run it once. THEN run the Dev Remap Source referencing the old and new Modules -- and it DOES NOT work when "Column IDs" is selected in the Airtable Modules, but DOES WORK when Column IDs is not selected.

But alas, de-selecting the "Column IDs" in the MAKE Module breaks all my field mappings in downstream modules anyway, soooo, I'm screwed either way?  I used variables aggressively, but assumed I could switch to duplicate base without having to update them one by one. I started with Airtable and Make in mid-Nov last year, so I'm sure there's a TON of basic **bleep** I don't know. Any ideas? Export the JSON and make some kind of changes using Text Editor find/replace, the RE-Import into MAKE? Any help much appreciated.

Have you asked Make technical support about this? Post back here with what they say!
