I am wondering how to link Barcode as unique value that populates corresponding values from Master Table into Table 1.
Through linking bar code/unique number - it could be done but it may not be a smart solution as we need to hide other values that are shown up and don’t want the form to populate all values so that it is revealed.
A form has two values that are asked from user :
- Product Bar Code (realized that barcode entry through form does not work, but let’s assume we input a number)
- Quantity
Data goes into sheet.
There are two tables in the base.
Table 1= Form Entry (Two values entered via form + additional fields populated from Table2 via linking
like Product Name)
Table 2= Master Table (contains barcode number, product name and description)
Desired Output
Table 1 to contain
Bar Code (enter via form)
Product Quantity (Entered via form)
Product Name (to be populated from Master Table via linking through barcode reference)
Sample run:
Product Names : A111, B222 + Corresponding Bar Codes : 111 , 222
So if i enter Barcode 111 with quantity 5 , in table 1 it should display also A111 through some linking mechanism !
Problem is primary field cannot be linked and barcode/unique number field cannot be linked.
Or maybe am missing something …
ideally non zapier/non integromat solution would be great !