Hi all, apologies if this question has been asked and answered already. [EDIT: attached a screenshot since the embedding images don't seem to work.]
I am creating a table of contacts for relationship management. For each person, I have the fields "Introduced by" (whoever introduced me to them) and "Introduced me to" (whoever they've suggested I talk to). I want these fields to mutually autopopulate. For example, if John Doe suggests I talk to Johnny Day and Jane Smith, and I've put Johnny and Jane in John's "Introduced me to" field, I want "John Doe" to automatically appear in their "Introduced by" fields, instead of having to do it manually:
Ideally, it should work the other way around as well. If I put "John Doe" in Jane and Johnny's "Introduced by" field, their names should automatically appear in John Doe's "Introduced me to" field.
The logic is something like:
if {introduced me to}(N) contains {contact name}(M), add {contact name}(N) to {introduced by}(M)
if {introduced by}(N) contains {contact name}(M), add {contact name}(N) to {introduced me to}(M)
Is there a way to do this? Many thanks in advance.