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Script exceeded execution time limit of 30 seconds

  • August 18, 2023
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view


When I run the script below as an automation, I get an error:

Script exceeded execution time limit of 30 seconds

 Here is the code:


let table = base.getTable("WPS-EVRI");
let result = await table.selectRecordsAsync();
let sums = {};
for (let record of result.records) {
let customerAndWeek = record.getCellValue("Customer & Week");
if (!sums[customerAndWeek]) {
sums[customerAndWeek] = 0;
sums[customerAndWeek] += record.getCellValue("DA Amount");
let updated = {};
for (let record of result.records) {
let customerAndWeek = record.getCellValue("Customer & Week");
if (!updated[customerAndWeek]) {
let matchingRecords = result.records.filter(r => r.getCellValue("Customer & Week") === customerAndWeek);
for (let matchingRecord of matchingRecords) {
await table.updateRecordAsync(matchingRecord, {
"Total This Week (DA)": sums[customerAndWeek]
updated[customerAndWeek] = true;



Is there a way to edit this script so it shortens the timeframe of running?


Any help is greatly appreciated! 🙂 

1 reply

  • Inspiring
  • 183 replies
  • August 18, 2023

The most obvious optimization is to change the table.updateRecordAsync() to table.updateRecordsAsync() (note that it can only process 50 records at a time). Where you currently update the record, instead push the update to an array, and then update the records in a batch outside of the loop. Even though the operations are supposed to be asynchronous and can run concurrently, if you're updating a large number of records, the run time can add up.

You can additionally optimize the code by:

  • only requesting the two fields you access with table.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ['DA Amount','Customer & Week']}).
  • assigning 'Customer & Week' to the result.records array objects so you don't have to call getCellValue three times in the script
  • for the "updated" block of code, you can iterate directly using sum.forEach((value, index) => {...}) (you've already created an array where the index itself is a list of unique customerAndWeek values, so you don't really need the 'updated' variable to keep track of what has been updated)
