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Forms as Creative Briefs?

  • March 12, 2020
  • 1 reply

I’m new to Airtable and trying to navigate quickly as I’ve been tasked with creating a process for Project Requests and tracking those projects for my team of graphic designers. I have not upgraded to a paid version.

I thought I could use Forms as a way to create multiple types of Creative Briefs (for packaging, photography, videography, banner ads, etc.), but it seems like when I’m creating these forms the only fields readily available to add to the form are being pulled from our Projects Table (where I’m tracking projects) and when I add any additional fields that are specific to that kind of job request, it automatically populates a column in my Projects Table, which I don’t necessarily want to do.

What am I doing wrong? Or am I trying to use Forms in a way that they shouldn’t be?

1 reply

Hi @Jen_Lackey,

Welcome to Airtable Community!

Forms are used to populate Records in the Table where you are creating them. Meaning, when you create a form, it is to create a new record with each form submission.

In order to be able to help you more, please share screenshots of your table alone with what exactly you are trying to achieve. If you dont want to share it here (or cant) feel free to share them via email

