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[Bug] Timeline Element in Record View layout

  • November 10, 2021
  • 1 reply

There seems to be a bug with the Timeline element when it is connected to a record list in the Record Review layout.

A Timeline Element in the Record Review layout should show the timeline associated only with the selected record from the record list. This, however, appears to be broken.

Problem Details:
When a Timeline Element is added in the Record Review layout and the Source is set as the ‘Record list’, only a small number of Fields are available. Then, when trying to set the ‘Date setting’, nothing is available to select, even when the selected record has multiple date fields.

Additionally, in the properties for the same timeline, when selecting a view to copy from (Data–>Copy from view), it shows views from a different table entirely. It would appear there are some strange routing issues.

1 reply

  • Retired Employee
  • 141 replies
  • December 6, 2021

Hey @Jason_Curtis_Droboth - I chatted with our team and they weren’t able to reproduce this issue.

Would you by chance be able to record a video of the issue and DM it to me so I can pass it along to the team?

