Hello, I’m a brand new Airtable user, using it for our grantee database for our nonprofit. I was hoping to use an embedded view to list the grantees on our website- and save the monthly fee I’m paying for another no-code app to do currently (pulling from a Google Sheet), AND eliminate the need to maintain the list in 2 different places.
However, just grabbing the embed code with no editing, it doesn’t look very nice (see below)
Current live webpage using Sheetui.com connected to a Google Sheet - looks nice, and integrated so you don’t know it’s a 3rd party tool: https://nylc.org/project-ignition.
Test page pulling directly from Airtable view with embed code: https://www.nylc.org/page/Copyofproject-ignitiontestingAirtableEmbedCode
Is it possible to do what I’m trying to do? 1) Eliminate extra space, 2) turn off toolbar, 3) Turn off record numbers. If so, how? Thanks.