This seems to be a commonly asked question but I am yet to see an answer that works for me. I am trying to build a base which will manage activity in our building in London UK.
There is never a time that I don’t want any times entered to be treated as Europe/London - even if I am overseas the times should always be entered and displayed as London times, allowing for changes to GMT/BST when the clocks change.
One thought I had was to use a Date field for the Date, and a single line text field for the time. I could then use a formula to create the dateTime, however in doing this I don’t seem to be able to find a way to use SET_TIMEZONE to force the calculation into Europe/London at the point when I am creating the dateTime - it seems that this is always calculated into GMT.
A lot of Airtable support seems to suggest I use an offset to calculate this, but this seems to be deliberately ignoring the daylight savings issue. Putting in a single offset time just doesn’t work.
I feel I must be missing something as this seems like such a basic feature for Airtable to be lacking? Am I??