I have seen several posts with different solutions on how to sync the bases two ways, but none really to fit what I hope to do.
So I have this one base where our leasing officers are tracking our lease-ups with one “Status” field used to track the Status of the process.
One of the status is “W9 Review”. I created a special view where it is synced to another base where our Property Owner Data Manager will review the W9 and mark approval or denial.
[I want it to be another base because our Data Manager has other unrelated tasks on their base that I want to keep separate from the other department]
So I synced the base to the other table and added another field where they can mark approve or deny and also an attachment field where they can put in a form or document.
I want these two additional fields to be then sync back to the other base upon approval, update the original base Status from “W9 Review” to “W9 Approved” based off of the trigger/automation/script set by the approval status on the Data Manager Base [Child Base] table.
Is this possible? What is the best method? A button with a script? is there an automation? or perhaps is there a way to have a button or script send a record to the Data Manager and then he presses a button on his end that sends it back and updates the field based on relating the fields.