I have a table in which we record events. Some of these events relate to a media campaign that is also recorded in the same table.
I have therefore created a column in which you can link a campaign when creating an event. To do this, I use a view in which only the campaigns are displayed.
This works without any problems. However, when I assign an event to a campaign, I would like the assigned events to be displayed in the campaign data record.
Does anyone have any idea how I can implement this? Currently, only the selected campaign is displayed in the event record, but not the other way around.
I would like to be able to click on the campaign record and see all linked events.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can implement this?
(1) Write a custom JavaScript to handle this for you. Two scripts that do this are available here and here.
(2) For a no-code way of doing this that doesn’t require writing any programming code at all, you can use Make’s advanced Airtable automations, which is a no-code automation tool for Airtable.
There is a small learning curve with Make, which is why I’ve assembled a bunch of Make training resources in this thread.
Ah, you're going to want to google "same table backlinks", and the general way to handle it is to use scripting unfortunately. @kuovonne has a script ready built for this that you can find here: https://kuovonne.gumroad.com/l/joRkE
(1) Write a custom JavaScript to handle this for you. Two scripts that do this are available here and here.
(2) For a no-code way of doing this that doesn’t require writing any programming code at all, you can use Make’s advanced Airtable automations, which is a no-code automation tool for Airtable.
There is a small learning curve with Make, which is why I’ve assembled a bunch of Make training resources in this thread.
(1) Write a custom JavaScript to handle this for you. Two scripts that do this are available here and here.
(2) For a no-code way of doing this that doesn’t require writing any programming code at all, you can use Make’s advanced Airtable automations, which is a no-code automation tool for Airtable.
There is a small learning curve with Make, which is why I’ve assembled a bunch of Make training resources in this thread.
I have used quite a lot of time to sort this out, and I have finally managed to come to bullet profs solution that really works as it is supposed to.
It includes Airtable automations and Script.
My table name: Contacts My linked field name in Contacts table: Linked Records *Change this values in script to match yours or use same names as I did.
In table where you want to use bi-directional linking (Automatically Linking Records to Each Other);
1. Create field "Link to another record" linking to itself. - In my case, {Linked Records}. Make sure to check "Allow linking to multiple records"
2. Create Automation
2.2 Action 1: "When a record is updated". Point it to "Contacts" table, and for fields use {Linked Records}
2.3. Action 2: "Run Script". - For input variable; Set name to: recordId, and value Airtable record ID (See photo attached) - Paste the Script
// Define the table let table = base.getTable("Contacts"); // Replace "Contacts" with your actual table name
// Get the record that triggered the automation let inputConfig = input.config(); let recordId = inputConfig.recordId; let record = await table.selectRecordAsync(recordId);
// Define the linked records field let linkedField = "Linked Records";
// Get the current linked records for the trigger record let currentLinkedRecords = record.getCellValue(linkedField) || [];
// Array to store records that need to be updated let recordsToUpdate = [];
// Loop through all linked records and ensure bidirectional link for (let linkedRecord of currentLinkedRecords) { let linkedRecordId = linkedRecord.id; let linkedRecordDetails = await table.selectRecordAsync(linkedRecordId);
let linkedRecordLinkedTo = linkedRecordDetails.getCellValue(linkedField) || [];
// Check if the current record is already in the linked record's linked field if (!linkedRecordLinkedTo.some(rec => rec.id === record.id)) { // Add this linked record to the update array (only if the link doesn't already exist) recordsToUpdate.push({ recordId: linkedRecordId, linkedRecords: [...linkedRecordLinkedTo, { id: record.id }] }); } }
// Update all necessary records in a batch to avoid multiple triggers if (recordsToUpdate.length > 0) { let updates = recordsToUpdate.map(record => ({ id: record.recordId, fields: { [linkedField]: record.linkedRecords } }));
// Batch update all records await table.updateRecordsAsync(updates); }
// Now handle removing bidirectional links let allRecords = await table.selectRecordsAsync(); let recordsToRemove = [];
// Loop through all records and check for unlinked records for (let otherRecord of allRecords.records) { if (otherRecord.id !== recordId) { let otherLinkedRecords = otherRecord.getCellValue(linkedField) || [];
// Check if the current record was previously linked but is now unlinked if (otherLinkedRecords.some(rec => rec.id === recordId) && !currentLinkedRecords.some(rec => rec.id === otherRecord.id)) { // Add this record to the removal array (only if the link exists and needs removal) recordsToRemove.push({ recordId: otherRecord.id, linkedRecords: otherLinkedRecords.filter(rec => rec.id !== recordId) }); } } }
// Batch remove records that no longer need to be linked if (recordsToRemove.length > 0) { let removals = recordsToRemove.map(record => ({ id: record.recordId, fields: { [linkedField]: record.linkedRecords } }));
// Batch update all records to remove unneeded links await table.updateRecordsAsync(removals); }