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If this is clicked, do this

Hi There,

I am trying to create a form using airtable which does the following:

I have a sheet with a bunch of digital services are listed as products.
When a sales sheet is done at the end of the day, the rep selects all the digital services and products (like a website) which they sold in the day.

What I need is when someone selects that they sold a Google adwords package (price is flexible), than a field pops up to ask HOW MUCH in Rands ZAR value, the rep sold adwords for.

How could I go about creating that?

I need the rand value from that deal to be saved to the clients profile.

2 replies



Using Airtable forms, it’s not possible to have fields shown or hidden based upon other data entered. In this scenario, I think the best option would be to have the price field should be shown all the time with instructions to only fill in if non-standard. You can then use a rollup field to show total values per client.


Thanks Julian.

Thats very helpful.

Much appreciated!
