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Images on Page Designer Block

I’m trying to develop page designer blocks for some property inspections I do. I’m already up to 5 “blocks” because the documents are multiple pages with a consistent header on each page and that doesn’t seem possible to build in one block.

My newest issue is that i only have two options for embedding images into the block: first image or all images. I was envisioning two to four images per page, with the image caption adjacent to the block. The way it’s looking now, it seems that i’ll need to load each of my images into a separate attachment field, with an adjacent field that has the caption so I can build the page designer block to pick up the specified number of images.

It seems that the page designer block is severely lacking in features from reading the forums here. We NEED a multipage block and more image options. By the time I’m done building my report blocks, I’ll probably have 8 blocks that i’ll need to export to pdf and extract and match pages to form a cohesive report.
