I am trying to use AirTable to initiate via automation and a script action to make Twilio call and message our clients.
Essentially this is going to be built out in Twilio Studio. But i am trying to figure out how to implement this code to send all the correct fields. I am not a coder, and I wanted to pursue this over using Zapier or Make to save my company money.
Background on the Process:
Twilio Studio will be linked to my AirTable. I am trying to track the following:
- Whether a message was successfully sent or called.
- When calling a person or texting giving them the option to press 1 for in-person (office) meeting, 2 for Remote (zoom), 3 to reschedule.
- Record responses and confirmation back into AirTable with that record.
This is a RSVP for case conferences and hearings with our clients. Built off the following fields:
- Client Name
- Client Phone Number
- Hearing Date & Time
- Hearing Officer
- Hearing Officer Email Address
- Hearing Officer Phone Number
- Zoom URL
- Zoom Meeting ID
- Zoom Passcode
And updating the following fields:
- Message sent successfully
- Confirmed meeting (either In-Person, Remote, or Rescheduled)
Someone at Twilio is helping build a code. He is adjusting it on Github here, and I want to know what others think of his work and if anyone can help me make sure that I set this up correctly for my needs. NOTE: I do not have much coding background. THIS is my first attempt at coding.
// Configuration: Chase these lines to configure the script
// Set you Twilio Account Info
// WARNING: the API credentials will be visible to all collaborators
// All other configuration is done in the Airtable UI
// via "Input Variables" on the left side of the "Edit Script" dialog
// Make sure to include a variable named "to_phone" (case sensitive) which is the phone number to send the message to
// ----- Done with configuration ----- //
// The following line is a minified version of https://github.com/mathiasbynens/base64/blob/master/src/base64.js to allow us to base64 encode strings which is required for HTTP Basic Authentication
!function(e){var t="object"==typeof exports&&exports,r="object"==typeof module&&module&&module.exports==t&&module,o="object"==typeof global&&global;o.global!==o&&o.window!==o||(e=o);var a=function(e){this.message=e};(a.prototype=new Error).name="InvalidCharacterError";var n=function(e){throw new a(e)},c="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",d=/<%= spaceCharacters %>/g,h={encode:function(e){e=String(e),/[^\0-\xFF]/.test(e)&&n("The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.");for(var t,r,o,a,d=e.length%3,h="",i=-1,f=e.length-d;++i<f;)t=e.charCodeAt(i)<<16,r=e.charCodeAt(++i)<<8,o=e.charCodeAt(++i),h+=c.charAt((a=t+r+o)>>18&63)+c.charAt(a>>12&63)+c.charAt(a>>6&63)+c.charAt(63&a);return 2==d?(t=e.charCodeAt(i)<<8,r=e.charCodeAt(++i),h+=c.charAt((a=t+r)>>10)+c.charAt(a>>4&63)+c.charAt(a<<2&63)+"="):1==d&&(a=e.charCodeAt(i),h+=c.charAt(a>>2)+c.charAt(a<<4&63)+"=="),h},decode:function(e){var t=(e=String(e).replace(d,"")).length;t%4==0&&(t=(e=e.replace(/==?$/,"")).length),(t%4==1||/[^+a-zA-Z0-9\/]/.test(e))&&n("Invalid character: the string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.");for(var r,o,a=0,h="",i=-1;++i<t;)o=c.indexOf(e.charAt(i)),r=a%4?64*r+o:o,a++%4&&(h+=String.fromCharCode(255&r>>(-2*a&6)));return h},version:"<%= version %>"};if("function"==typeof define&&"object"==typeof define.amd&&define.amd)define(function(){return h});else if(t&&!t.nodeType)if(r)r.exports=h;else for(var i in h)h.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(t[i]=h[i]);else e.base64=h}(this);
let inputConfig = input.config()
// Create header
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
myHeaders.append("Authorization", `Basic ${base64.encode(ACCOUNT_SID + ":" + AUTH_TOKEN)}`);
// Create body
var urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.append("To", `${inputConfig.to_phone}`);
urlencoded.append("From", FROM_PHONE);
// Turn all the inputs into parameters to send to Studio
var params = {};
for (const [field, value] of Object.entries(inputConfig)) {
params[field] = value;
// Put the request together
var requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
headers: myHeaders,
body: urlencoded,
redirect: "manual",
// Send request
let apiResponse = await fetch(STUDIO_URL,